Ghana: Minority Questions Vice Pres Bawumia's Vision for Ghana

The Minority in Parliament has questioned Vice President Alhaji Dr Mahamudu Bawumia's professed vision for Ghana.

They claim having run the Ghanaian economy aground, Dr Bawumia has nothing to offer the country and lack the moral turpitude to put himself up for election as president of the republic.

Filing his nomination forms to contest the flagbearership race of the governing New Patriotic Party, Dr Bawumia said he has his own vision for Ghana; a vision to see the country leverage technology, data and systems for inclusive economic growth.

"I have my own vision for Ghana. I believe that it is time to move Ghana to the next level by building on the foundations we have put in place so far," he told a charged gathering on Friday, June 16.

But addressing the Parliamentary Press Corps in Accra yesterday, Deputy Ranking Member on the Finance Committee, Mr Isaac Adongo, wondered what vision Dr Bawumia has for Ghana, having led it into economic comatose as chairman of the economic management team.

"In the midst of this gargantuan economic mismanagement, I heard Dr Bawumia say he has a vision for Ghana. I'm wondering what vision he has other than what he and his boss, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, have contracted with IMF for the good people of Ghana.

"What is Dr Mahamudu Bawumia going to do that he couldn't do in this government? 'It is annoying to hear those who drove a car in perfect condition into a ditch now talking about 'vision.' If they had vision, Ghana wouldn't have sunk this low in the first place," MrAdongo, who is also MP for Bolgatanga Central, stated.

MrAdongo said prior to 2017, Nana Akufo-Addo told Ghanaians that he would rely on the intellectual capacity of Dr Bawumia to transform Ghana, but the pledge has turned to be an economic nightmare for Ghanaians.

The MP said DrBawumia's "fanciful" pledge to move the economy from taxation to production, one village, one dam, 1$US million per constituency a year, one district, one factory amongst others, have rather driven the country into economic ditch.

"Dr Bawumia is the first economist in Ghana with the most venomous vision that has landed all of us on life support. He now wants to be president with a vision to discount us from the last support to kill us completely," MrAdongosaid.

In his view, "If Dr Bawumia had any iota of credibility, a modicum of shame in the eye, and respect for Ghanaians, he would have stayed away from contemplating to be president."

Mr Adongo said, Dr Bawumia, having achieved the "unenviable record of leading Ghana to the IMF, breaking all negative records of economic management and running away from his trained specialisation of economics to digitalisation what has he to offer?"

Mr Adongo said Dr Bawumia's digitalisation claim thrived on internet and unparalleled telecom infrastructure record of the NDC and John Dramani Mahama to anchor Ghana's digital economy, and challenge him to show his government's record of investment in digital infrastructure.

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