Liberia: Valedictorian Lemrite F. Vah Inspires Peers to Embrace Education and Conquer Ignorance

Monrovia — In an inspiring address to her fellow students, Lemrite F. Vah, a young Liberian valedictorian from Remedy Movement Academy, emphasized the importance of intellectual growth in achieving success. Lemrite firmly regarded ignorance as a formidable enemy, urging her peers to prioritize education over ignorance as they embarked on their educational journey.

Highlighting the collective triumphs of the student body throughout the academic year, Lemrite credited their success to the guidance of their teachers, whom she also commended as exceptional communicators.

"As we reflect on our school year, we realize that we have conquered the adversary of failure, emerging as victors of this esteemed institution," proclaimed Lemrite confidently.

The 5-year-old student delivered her valedictory speech with unwavering enthusiasm during the Remedy Movement International Academy's 3rd graduation ceremony held at the Remedy Chapter in Sinkor. The school's proprietress, Pastor Mrs. Mary Ann B. D Tarpeh, called upon parents to invest in their children, emphasizing their potential to become influential future leaders who can positively impact society.

"Let us demonstrate to our children that they possess the ability to fulfill God's purpose for their lives. Instead of undermining them with discouraging words, let us encourage them to pursue their aspirations with unwavering determination and self-belief," encouraged Pastor Mrs. Tarpeh.

She further stressed that the principles instilled in children today would bear fruit in their future, reminding parents of the profound impact they have on shaping their children's lives.

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