Liberia: Rights Advocate Alarms Against Abuse of Power

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Liberia, Her Honor, Sie -A- Nyene Yuoh, has been linked to the demolition of the New Life Recovery and Rehabilitation Center in Sundaygar Town, Marshall along the Robertsfield Highway. But judiciary spokesperson Attorney Ambrose Mahn, says anyone aggrieved should seek legal recourse.

Making the disclosure in an exclusive interview with the NEW DAWN over the weekend, the Director of the United Methodist Human Rights Monitor, Jefferson Knight, explained that the New Life Recovery and Rehabilitation Center in Marshall was demolished on June 22, 2023, by people claiming ownership of the land on which the property is located.

Mr. Knight, who serves as executive director of the Center, says Liberia is a country of law, but notes that people in power use their power to abuse ordinary citizens.

According to him, the facility is new life rehabilitation drugs service program in Liberia that has catered to more than 5,000 young men across the country, who have been rehabilitated reintegrated into society.

He further explained the Center has three acres of land in Sundaygar Town that were secured almost 15 years ago, and that with support of partners, they have been developing the property since it was acquired to rehabilitate disadvantaged youth.

But according to Mr. Knight, Chief Justice Sie- A- Nyene Yuoh allegedly ordered 30 soldiers of the Armed Forces of Liberia and 20 officers of the Police Support Unit (PSU) to demolish the training center which costs US$40, 000.

He laments that Chief Justice Yuoh demolished the entire facility with other adjacent property, including about six acres of land.

He reveals that the alleged action was taken in his absence while he was in Gbarnga, Bong County covering a conference, adding that upon his return, he was informed so he went on the scene and fenced the property.

However, the human rights advocate explains the alleged action is discouraging and undermines the current fight against drug addiction in Liberia which is destroying the future of young people.

He continues that there are so many young people in various communities the Center could have served, but without any official notice, whatsoever it was razed to the ground.

He details that one Mr. Momolu accompanied by armed Police broke down the building that contains ten classrooms earmarked for the rehabilitation of disadvantaged youth.

Meanwhile, Mr. Knight recalls that some time ago, Chief Justice Yuoh visited the premises and informed residents in the area that the land on which the Center exists was purchased for her daughter.

The United Methodist Human Rights Monitor program boss says based on the situation, he tried contacting the Chief Justice, but she could not be reached for comment.

The director of press at the Supreme Court of Liberia, Atty. Ambrose Manh says Chief Justice Youh is not disposed to respond to such an allegation, adding that Liberia is a country of law so, if the victim feels offended, he should file a legal action because Her Honor, Yuoh is not above the law.

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