Liberia: NTAL and EI Dialogue On Privatization of Education

The National Teachers Association of Liberia (NTAL) and a delegation from Education International (El) have begun a two-day dialogue on the global response to the privatization and commercialization of education in Liberia.

"We want the Government of Liberia and all African governments to invest in education, invest in teachers and invest in education support personnel," EI Regional Director for Africa Dr. Dennis Sinyolo said Monday, 26 June 2023 in Monrovia.

At the start of a two-day dialogue on the global response to end the privatization and commercialization of education, Dr. Sinyolo stressed the need for the government in the region to strengthen public education.

He noted that it will enhance the growth of the country, especially for Liberian children.

"We at Education International are embarking on a campaign called "Go Public! Fund Education and we want the Government of Liberia to strengthen public education and not to abandon it," he said.

According to Dr. Sinyolo, Africa is lagging in terms of education due to a lack of sufficient budgetary allocation and a lack of sufficient qualified teachers.

"Any country that refuses to invest more in education, that country will be lagging behind and not be on par with its neighbors as it relates to national development," he said.

Also speaking, Ms. Lucy Barimbui, EI Africa Regional Coordinator, said they are in Liberia to support the NTAL in its quest to better the education sector of the country.

"We have come to empower, seek the mandate of the National Executive Council to continue as teachers in doing what they know best by delivering quality public education," she said.

For her part, NTAL national president Madam Mary W. Mulbah-Nyumah said in Liberia, there has never been any childhood program in the past, unlike now.

She said it has been established at the University of Liberia, noting that this is mainly found in the private schools.

"We are also working on the age range for students in early childhood from zero to three. From three to six years, a child should be in the First Grade," she noted.

The NTAL national president also reported that the recruitment of teachers remains a challenge.

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