Gambia: State Counsel Commends BK Foundation

State Counsel at the Ministry of Justice has lauded Bob Keita through his foundation for puting into consideration the plight of inmates at the State Central Prisons.

Odile Jassey was speaking recently during the release of 16 inmates from the State Central Prisons by Bob Keita through his foundation.

She thanked the parents of Bob Keita, who she added, have supported Keita morally to become a better person and had the foresight to embark on an initiative to help the inmates here.

"It is not easy to be someone that has been convicted one time."

"It is not in the interest of the Ministry of Justice to prosecute or alleged accused persons who at the end of the day we find out are not the offenders or committed the crimes that they have been accused of. It is also not the interest of the society at large to have alledged accused persons not been tried . It is the interest of the Justice that we try people who are alleged to have committed offences and allow justice to take part."

She expressed her Ministry's resolve to be a key shareholder with the association to further advance the cause of the foundation.

To the 16 released inmates, State Counsel Jassey admonished them to try to become a better person in society.

"You have been here and seen the hardship that is in this place and you know what you have been through. I will advise you tomorrow when you go out today to be the ambassadors of the prison."

She once again thanked Bob Keita through his foundation for the foresight, adding that the Ministry is happy to be associated with such initiative.

She expressed optimism that the released inmates would work towards reforming themselves to be better persons in soceity.

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