Liberia: Gongloe to Name Running Mate From Bong

The NewDawn newspaper has gathered that presidential hopeful Cllr. Taiwan Saye Gongloe has decided to name Dr. Emmanuel K. Urey-Yarkpawolo, a son of Bong County, as his running mate.

The renowned human rights lawyer is seeking the Liberian presidency on the Liberian People's Party (LPP) ticket.

His potential running mate, Dr. Urey-Yarkpawolo, is the former president of the Salvation Army Polyphonic University College (T-SAP) and an Environmental and Resource specialist.

Gongloe is among several opposition leaders seeking to battle incumbent President George Manneh Weah out of the Executive Mansion through the ballot after one six-year term of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) regime.

This paper has reliably gathered that Dr. Urey-Yarkpawolo's naming ceremony will take place on 9 July 2023 in the Capital of Bong Count, Gbarnga City.

Sometimes last week, Cllr. Gongloe and his team approached Dr. Urey-Yarkpawolo through the efforts of elders of the county to appeal for him to be his running mate.

After a series of consultations with both family and friends, Dr. Urey-Yarkpawolo is said to have accepted the challenge to go as Cllr. Gongloe's running mate.

Dr. Urey-Yarkpawolo abandoned his initial political quest to contesting as a representative candidate in Bong County Electoral District #3.

As part of the arrangement, Cllr. Gongloe is said to have made a commitment to give Dr. Urey-Yarkpawolo the chance to run as LPP's standard bearer in the 2029 elections.

Dr. Urey-Yarkpawolo has posted Cllr. Gongloe's photo and a broom on his official Facebook page, asking: "Do you know the importance of the Broom?"

"It's simple and common but it has many qualities. First, it is a symbol of cleanliness and cleanliness is next to Godliness," he went further.

He added that the broom is a symbol of strength in unity. "Fellow Liberians are we ready?" his post concluded.

In 2005, Dr. Urey-Yarkpawolo graduated as valedictorian and student council president of the Salvation Army's Len Millar Junior and then enrolled at Cuttington University, where he graduated in three years instead of four, with a BSC in Biology and a Master's in Public Health from the same institute.

Dr. Urey-Yarkpawolo also earned another Master's in Environment and Resources and a PhD in Environmental Resources both from the University of Wisconsin Madison Nelson Institute in May 2018.

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