Liberia Is Better Under President Weah

-CDC Youth League

Despite criticisms of hardship engulfing the country under President Weah characterized by corruption, suspicious deaths and protests, the youth league of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) says Liberians are living better life under the CDC-led government.

Addressing a news conference at the ruling party headquarters in Congo Town on Wednesday, June 28, 2023, when the CDC overwhelmingly congratulated President Julius Maada Bio for his re-election on a first-round victory, Youth League Chair, Emmanuel Johnson said living conditions of Liberians have improved under President Weah compare to neighboring countries.

Chairman Johnson argued that this is evidenced by the retail price of a 25kg bag of rice being sold for US$15 in Liberia, compared to US$25.00 in Sierra Leone under President Maada Bio, and yet Sierra Leoneans overwhelmingly re-elected their President, which speaks volumes.

According to him, if conditions in neighboring Sierra Leone are so difficult with increase in prices of basic commodities, like rice and gasoline, compared to Liberia that has witnessed sudden drop in prices, it means that President Weah is doing a job here and deserves reelection.

He is optimistic that come October 10, President Weah will receive overwhelming victory, noting that victory will not be for the CDC, but the Liberian people in the first round that will see the President retain the mantle of authority to continue his developmental agenda for Liberia.

"The way Bio was re-elected in Sierra Leone, President Weah will be re-elected in October", Johnson says and adds "Liberia will not only experience a first-round victory but the people's victory."

He says it will also be a massive victory for the young people, who are determined and attracted to the unprecedented developments of President Weah.

Johnson continues that the Liberian people are resolved to sustaining what he terms unprecedented developments and tangibles under the Weah leadership, bragging that the October poll is just an exhibition of the CDC government's achievements in the past six years.

"We will only be going to the ballot in October for the formality. We can assure you a first-round victory, the people's victory, so the opposition needs to start sending in congratulatory messages to Mr. George Weah."

Contrary to Johnson's claims of drop in prices of basic commodities, Liberia has witnessed skyrocketing prices of several commodities, including rice, petroleum and exchange rate.

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