Liberia: Representative Aspirant in Lrd25, 000 Theft

Nimba County — A 38-year-old aspirant for Nimba County electoral District#8 has been arrested for theft of property.

According to the Ganta Police detachment, a resident of Kakata, Margibi County complained that he hosted Aspirant Ezekiel Domah at his residence in Kakata where the suspect spent a night with him on Wednesday, June 28, 2023.

The complainant Emmanuel Kennedy explained that while at his place, Ezekiel allegedly stole 250,000 Liberian Dollars from his room and absconded.

But following his arrest in Ganta, Nimba County, family of Suspect Domah restituted LRD20,000 of the amount and promised to provide the balance in few weeks.

But the complainant refused and instead, requested the Police officer, who came with him from Kakata City to take Suspect Domah back to Kakata City where the incident occurred.

Supporters of Aspirant Ezekiel Domah, who gathered at the Ganta Police station and saw him being arrested for alleged theft, threatened to withdraw their support.

Supporters Eric Dolo and Samuel Dolo told The NEW DAWN the behavior of Ezekiel has brought disgrace to them.

They said upon returning to the district, they will call on supporters and friends of Suspect Ezekiel Domah to find a new political home, as the man they had in mind to become their next lawmaker has a criminal record.

When this paper visited Flumpa and other towns in District #8, citizens vowed to support the third-term bid of incumbent Representative Larry Younquoi, instead.

According to them, they believe that Representative Younquoi still has leadership ability in him and electing him for a third term will bring pride to them and to Liberians generally for one of the lawmakers that Liberians can boast.

Several integrity institutions in the country have graded Younquoi, a lecturer of Demography at the University of Liberia, as one of Liberia's best legislators for his critical stance on national issues.

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