Sierra Leone: Election - Main Opposition Rejects Results, Demands Rerun

Sierra Leone's main opposition, All People's Congress (APC), has rejected the results of the 24 June 2023 general elections and called on Sierra Leoneans "to play their part in resisting tyranny and fight for the restoration of democracy, civility and good governance" in the country.

Sitting President Julius Maada Bio of the Sierra Leone People's Party (SLPP) has since been sworn in for a second term of five years after the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone (ECSL) declared him the winner of the presidential poll with 56.17% of the votes.

The commission said Dr Samura Kamara, the APC candidate, came second with 41.16%.

In its latest statement issued in Freetown, "the APC unequivocally rejects the announced results of the recently concluded multi-tier elections in Sierra Leone, given the glaring irregularities and violations of established electoral procedures.

"We demand the resignation of (Chief Commissioner) Mr Mohamed Konneh and all the other commissioners of the ECSL based on demonstrated bias and failure to conduct their duties impartially," the APC said, adding: "We insist on a rerun of the elections within six months to be overseen by credible individuals and institutions that will ensure a fair and transparent process."

The party further "demands the resignation of the following: Fayia Sellu, the Inspector General of Police; Major General Patrick Lavahun, the Chief of Defence Staff; Abdulai Caulker, the National Security Coordinator; Francis Langumba Keili, the Chief of Staff of the Office of the ONS; and Desmond Babatunde Edwards, the Chief Justice."

The party alleged that, "These individuals have shown a clear disregard for their constitutional duties and have instead aligned themselves with the undemocratic aspirations of (President) Julius Maada Bio."

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