Liberia: Dolo Urges Coaches to Respect Chain of Command

The Acting President of the Liberia Football Association (LFA) Saye-Taayor Adolphus Dolo urges coaches to respect chain of command in the football house.

Speaking at the start of a CAF 'B' diploma course for coaches held at the LFA headquarters in Swankamore, Congo Town on Monday, July 3, Mr. Dolo stressed that football, like all other professions, has a pyramid with someone at the top, who must make all the decisions.

He promised to offer a fast-track computer course to enable coaches to effectively and efficiently do their work.

He observed that one of the problems with Liberian football is everyone wants to be head coach, which is impossible.

Dolo continued that the LFA will arrange a computer course for those who are interested, adding that technology has made its way into nearly every profession and computer knowledge can't be overemphasized.

For his part, the secretary-general of the LFA, Attorney Kollie A. Dorko, said the Association will continue to provide opportunities for coaches to advance themselves, but they will have to work hard because it is only through hard work success is achieved.

SG Dorko urged coaches to find time to learn about technology, adding that the CAF instructors that came to inspect the first 'B' diploma course identified technology as a challenge, particularly lack of computer knowledge.

Technical director Henry Browne disclosed the LFA is shouldering US$14,000 needed to conduct the course in three modules.

Browne also revealed that CAF has cautioned the LFA about reducing the standard of the course due to low fees paid by candidates.

"We had to explain to CAF that the economic situation in Liberia can't permit every candidate to pay the required fee they would want us to charge. That's why the LFA is shouldering 86.6 percent while the candidates are paying 13.4 percent", he explained.

However, he stressed that coaches will have to take every aspect of the program very seriously because CAF was highly pleased with the first round of training conducted.

He said the two inspectors CAF sent to Liberia were pleased with the quality of the course, the environment it was held under, facilitators and presentation of materials.

He added that a total of 18 persons graduated from the first course, and the FA has 25 active coaches and 25 persons training.

"This means we will have 68 persons with 'B' License at the end of the course to coach 42 teams [excluding those with 'A' License]."

Meanwhile, Browne disclosed plan to raise the level of coaching in the league because only those with 'B' License and above will coach, and they should see themselves as a challenge to those with 'A' License.

He the current module runs from 3-10 July, while Module Two will run from 8-12 August and Module Three 1-9 September 2023.

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