Liberia: I Don't See Any Match for Me in District#7

-Rep. Solomon George

Ruling Coalition for Democratic Change Representative in Montserrado County Disstrict#7, Solomon C. George, brags that he has no significant contender in the upcoming October 10th election.

Speaking via mobile on a live talk show in Monrovia on Tuesday, July 4, Rep. George attributed this lack of competition to his track record and accomplishments over the years.

According to the lawmaker, he has heard people claiming that an aspirant Emmanuel Dahn, will be his major challenger due to his (Emmanuel) ownership of a hospital and free education program in the district.

But he refutes these claims and challenges Emmanuel Dahn to provide any proof of such initiatives in the district.

"While some may talk about Emmanuel Dahn building a school, they fail to mention that students still have to pay school fees, whereas my school provides education free of charge", Rep. George says.

"I have been providing free education for the past 20 years, not just 12. So you can't compare Emmanuel Dahn to Solomon George. We are not equals," he adds.

He says there is no comparison between his school and that of Emmanuel's, emphasizing his school focuses on human resource development and capacity building unlike Emmanuel Dahn's alleged practice of increasing school fees every year, which he terms as wasteful.

When asked to comment on the just-ended CDC primary in Montserrado, Rep. George explains that some of his colleagues in District#2, Montserrado County said they were not informed about the primary, but added that he had received a message from the chairman of the youth league and Chairman Morlu, informing him to proceed to town hall for the primary.

Though he was absent himself, the CDC lawmaker discloses that he had political officers there and described the primary as very democratic, as he was voted for vehemently by the people of the district.

Additionally, he alleges that other contestants in his district are misrepresenting him, failing to inform the people about his efforts in sending their sisters and daughters to hospital and paying rentals for those in need.

"I'm paying bills for houses that I do not need to pay bills for."

George lauds the CDC, noting the party does not have any problem with him, but the only issue is that people claim he rants abusive languages in addressing his opponents.

Rep. George agrees that this is his style of approach in dealing with those who provoked him, adding that he is no longer going to imprison anyone in the district.

He cites an instance where someone was jailed for lying about him impregnating his friend's daughter but reveals that person was subsequently released after confessing and apologizing.

"After the incident, my wife came and said just release him since he has apologized."

When asked about the challenge of going against opponents from other political parties in the upcoming election, George says if he were concerned, he would either be a fool or not be aligned with President George Weah and the CDC.

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