Ghana: How Information Systematization Contributes to the Environment

There are many businesses in the world that contribute to the environment. And this contribution does not always depend on the size of the company.

Everyone sees their contribution differently. When they read about a "green" company's focus, they can take its impact on the global environmental situation as minute and inefficient. But let us not judge too fast.

There are organizations directly involved in solving the problem. Bureo is one of them. The company is focused on collecting waste from oceans and finding ways to recycle it. The team literally untangles the problem by removing kilometers of nets and tons of plastic from the World Ocean. It collaborates with Carver, Jenga, Patagonia, and other manufacturers, who then turn the waste into quality equipment.

Other companies working in various industries, agriculture, etc., optimize their processes in a way that reduces their environmental impact (reducing waste, switching to alternative power sources, using transport with fewer emissions).

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For example, Vericool is a cooler manufacturer that has found solutions to fully exclude styrofoam from its production process. Not only common households can put their goods on ice. The company supplies large pharmaceutical and medical businesses with green coolers, too.

Some companies sell products made from recycled materials or materials with a much shorter half-life than conventional products. A striking example is GumShoe, a company that supplies markets with shoes made of wasted gum. The organization clears away millions of kilos of gum from city streets every year and gives it back in the form of fully-green and fashionable shoes.

Usually, such environmental impact can be seen, felt, and calculated. However, there are areas and processes where it is difficult to assess the environmental benefits, such as working with information.

This is where such initiatives as EcoHubMap comes to the scene. This online platform has offered an innovative idea of uniting environmental organizations - large and small, local and international - into one domain and letting them store their data in one information bank. Does it seem impossible?

I have given a test drive to the online platform of EcoHubMap and estimated its efforts to bring together environmental organizations and businesses from around the world in one place. Now, I'm ready to consider how such systematization contributions can affect the improvement of environmental conditions in small areas and around the world.

How Can Systematization Work Affect Changes in the Environment?

The answer to this question is both simple and complex and consists of several points. The EcoHubMap site performs several functions, which not only help to systematize data but also analyze it, as well as take influential decisions on local and global levels.

  • Data-driven decision-making: Systematized information allows for evidence-based decision-making, leading to more effective and efficient environmental initiatives.
  • Identifying patterns and trends: Systematic organization of data enables the identification of patterns and trends in environmental conditions
  • Monitoring and evaluation: By establishing baseline data and tracking key indicators over time, it becomes possible to assess the effectiveness of interventions and policies.
  • Collaboration and knowledge sharing: By organizing data in a standardized format and making it accessible to relevant parties, researchers, organizations, and communities can easily share information and insights.
  • Public awareness and engagement: By presenting data in a clear and accessible manner, people can better understand the urgency and scale of environmental challenges.

And most importantly, by collecting and systematizing information, this startup has saved various organizations, companies, and ordinary users a lot of time that they would normally spend searching the Internet.

What is EcoHubMap and How Does it Function as an Online Platform?

EcoHubMap is an online platform that aims to unite various organizations and businesses that operate in the field of ecology.

The company team states that it works 24/7 to expand the functionality of the site and thus achieve its highest goal. I've been following the company's site for several months and can approve their efforts.

The platform never stops evolving. The team continues to improve the site's design, increase the loading speed of site pages, and periodically add new sections to the site.

Thanks to this, the data directory is regularly updated with new companies and organizations, and the quality of information of existing ones is constantly improved.

What are the Benefits of Using EcoHubMap for Eco-Friendly Companies and Environmental Non-Profit Organizations?

This online platform serves as a valuable resource that connects businesses and organizations with a shared commitment to sustainability and environmental conservation. Using the environmental NGOs directory, entities can increase exposure free of charge, gain access to a targeted audience, and ensure the potential for valuable partnerships.

By listing themselves in the EcoHubMap environmental directory, these entities gain visibility among a like-minded community and attract individuals specifically interested in supporting environmentally conscious endeavors. This heightened exposure can lead to increased brand recognition and customer engagement.

The site itself has very promising potential. In the future, this online platform may become a collaborative environment that allows for knowledge sharing, resource pooling, and the creation of impactful partnerships that can drive innovation and progress in environmental conservation.

What Features Does EcoHubmap Offer to Enhance Visibility and Exposure for Eco-Friendly Companies?

As for opportunities for companies, the EcoHubMap team can effectively showcase their initiatives on the website and attract the attention of a like-minded audience. Two key placements available for each company on their website are the general catalog and the Recommended Companies blocks.

Firstly, the general catalog is a listing of eco-friendly and green companies available on EcoHubMap. Each company has the opportunity to place detailed information about itself within this catalog.

Secondly, companies that want to further increase their visibility are additionally invited to place information about themselves in one of the "Recommended Companies" blocks.

How Can Non-Profit Environmental Organizations Use the Online Platform?

One of the tasks that environmental organizations have to perform is to address certain local problems that the state does not have time to solve. To make an objective assessment of the situation, it is necessary to collect a large amount of reliable information. This usually takes days, weeks, or even months.

A workable solution related to saving time for such organizations from EcoHubMap is the Environmental Hotspots directory, which I take for an essential addition to the site. Environmental Hotspots are locations where the ecological situation is catastrophic or close to it and requires an immediate response from the state.

Anyone who wants to have the opportunity to get acquainted with the problem and a detailed chronology of events, view media files from the site, as well as a list of organizations that are actively working to solve this environmental hotspot.


Summarizing the review of the EcoHubMap online platform, we can draw the following conclusion. The platform makes a significant contribution to the world's environmental protection. Its data banks are constantly updated and systematized so that everyone can get access to the actual global picture of this or that problem with a single click.

I can assert that every eco company can benefit from joining the platform and keep in touch with it. The EcoHubMap accumulates more and more data that may help to make fateful decisions and expend funds and efforts in a more reasonable way.

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