Liberia: Police Commander, Deputy Wrapped in U.S.$5,000 Bribery Allegation

Nimba County — The Commander for the Women and Children Protection Service (WACPS) division of the Liberia National Police and his principal deputy are facing investigation in Monrovia for allegedly receiving US$ 5,000 bribe to release a murder suspect, who is currently said to be at large.

Commander Jenkins N. Mangou and principal deputy Alexander Franklin are being investigation at the National Police Headquarters in Monrovia.

The NEW DAWN gathered that Suspect Abraham Mohammed, a Sierra Leonean, allegedly offered the bribe to enable hi escape Liberia.

A source told this paper that the two senior Police officers assigned in Ganta City, Nimba County allegedly received the money and allowed Suspect Mohammed escaped with his two children after reportedly killing his girlfriend at a local guest house in Ganta near Pearson community.

In early May 2023, the lifeless body of a woman believed to be in her early 40s was discovered in one of the rooms of F2 Guest House in Pearson community, Ganta City.

The victim had been taken there by Suspect Mohammed to spend a night.

The late Oretha Korwood, who hailed from Gbeyi- Guawin Town in Electoral District#9, Nimba County, met her untimely death when her Sierra Leonean boyfriend, Suspect Abraham Mohammed, allegedly murdered her in the guest house by using generator rope and other instruments.

The Management of the F2 Guest House in Pearson community, David Kenzie, following the discovery of the body, told reporters that Suspect Abraham Mohammed, entered the premises and provided fake information, including name and cell phone number, among others.

Mr. Kenzie explained that suspect spent the first night there and then killed the victim, said to be mother of his two children and left the corpse inside before escaping.

Kenzie, a former district education officer for Bain-Garr District, lamented that his staff had gone to clean the room the next day, but they met the room still closed, which led management to inform the police.

Since the incident in early May, Police in Ganta headed by Commander Archie Dennis and the Crimes Service Department launched an investigation that produced no update until the latest information about the alleged bribery and compromise. Editing by Jonathan Browne

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