Nigeria: Speaker Abbas Steps Down Recommendation Seeking to Release Nnamdi Kanu

This followed a recommendation by Ginger Onwusibe (LP-Abia) following a motion by Eze Nwachukwu Eze (PDP-Ebonyi) in Abuja during plenary.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Tajudeen Abbas, on Thursday, stepped down an amended motion seeking to release Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of the proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB).

This followed a recommendation by Ginger Onwusibe (LP-Abia) following a motion by Eze Nwachukwu Eze (PDP-Ebonyi) in Abuja during plenary.

Mr Eze had moved a motion titled "Need to Forestall Further Killings in Ebonyi Local Government Area, and the Rising Insecurity in Ebonyi/Ohaukwu Federal Constituency, Ebonyi State.

But Mr Onwusibe representing Isiala Ngwa North of Abia State had asked the House to amend the motion to ensure the release of Mr Kanu so as to end the disturbing cases of killings in the southeastern part of the country.

it would be recalled that Mr Kanu had been in the custody of the State Security Service (SSS) in spite of a ruling by the court to release the IPOB leader.

In his motion, Mr Eze urged the President Bola Tinubu-led administration to consult with political, traditional and religious leaders in Ebonyi State and the South-east.

This, according to him, is to find a lasting solution to the Insecurity in the South-east.

He also urged the Acting Inspector General of Police to mobilise Armoured Personnel Carriers to strategic points across Ebonyi State to forestall future attacks.

He further urged the Nigeria Police Force and other relevant security agencies to ensure effective policing of Ebonyi/ Ohaukwu Federal Constituency of Ebonyi, other states of the South-east and the entire country.

He also urged the Nigeria Police Force to engage in training the vigilante group for intelligence gathering and effective community policing.

He asked that the House mandate the Committee on Police Affairs (when constituted) to make budgetary provisions for the Nigeria Police force to acquire more combat helicopters.

This according to him is to ensure proper surveillance of the South-east states and Nigeria in general.

However, an amendment to the motion to include the release of Nnamdi Kanu was rejected and deferred by the Speaker who said the subject matter should not come under the motion on Ebonyi killings.

But Mr Onwusibe said the insecurity was a result of the prolonged detention of Mr Kanu, adding that the government should consider a way of releasing him so as to restore peace to the region.

However, Ibrahim Halims, the deputy leader of the House, rejected the amendment, saying, " Matters like that are always determined by the court and not by parliamentary decision."

In his contribution, Benjamin Kalu, the deputy speaker of the House of Reps. said the motion moved by Mr Onwusibe was to find an amicable way of resolving the issue with regard to Mr Kanu.

He added that what the prayer of the amendment should read was to urge Mr president to use any other diplomatic or political approach to find a lasting solution to this issue.

According to him, those of us from the region know where the shoe is pinching us.

In his ruling, Mr Abbas said "This is a topical issue, my ruling on this is that I will defer ruling on this at this particular time and I will invite both the minority and majority leaders.

This according to him is to consult and see what the point of the law says before I make my own position known.

"So while I rule on other motions and amendments that have been proposed, that particular one is suspended for ruling next week after due consultation."

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