Liberia: LPA VP Dolo Urges Coaches to Respect Chain of Command

Monrovia — Liberia Football Association (LFA) Vice President Saye-Taayor Adolphus Dolo emphasizes the importance of respecting the chain of command among coaches. Dolo believes that football, like any other profession, operates within a hierarchical structure where decision-making authority rests with those at the top.

Speaking at the commencement of a CAF coaching 'B' diploma course held at the LFA headquarters in Swankamore, Congo Town on July 3rd, Dolo expressed his commitment to enhancing the coaches' abilities by offering a fast-track computer course. This course aims to equip coaches with the necessary skills to effectively and efficiently carry out their responsibilities.

Acknowledging the prevalent desire among individuals to become head coaches, Dolo highlighted the need for realistic expectations. "One of the challenges in our football landscape is that everyone aspires to be a head coach. However, it is important to recognize that not everyone can occupy that position simultaneously within a particular team," stated Dolo.

To address this issue, Dolo announced the LFA's plan to organize a computer course for interested individuals. Recognizing the increasing role of technology across various professions, Dolo emphasized the significance of computer literacy in the modern football landscape. "Technology has permeated nearly every aspect of our lives, and computer knowledge is indispensable," added Dolo.

Kollie A. Dorko (Atty.), the secretary-general of the LFA, emphasized the association's commitment to education at all levels, including coaches, medics, and referees. Dorko stressed the importance of hard work, stating, "We want you to work diligently because it is through hard work that we can achieve success, especially as we focus on youth football."

Dorko also highlighted the importance of technology, citing the concerns raised by CAF instructors who inspected the initial 'B' diploma course. "The CAF instructors recognized technology as a challenge and specifically mentioned the need for computer education," revealed Dorko.

Meanwhile, LFA technical director Henry Browne disclosed that the LFA is covering the cost of the course, amounting to US$14,000, which will be conducted in three modules. Browne acknowledged that CAF had expressed concerns about lowering the course standards due to the low fees paid by the candidates. "We explained to CAF that the economic situation in Liberia doesn't allow every candidate to afford the required fee. Therefore, the LFA is shouldering 86.6 percent of the cost while the candidates contribute 13.4 percent," explained Browne.

Browne highlighted the need for participants to approach the course with utmost seriousness, as the quality of the first 'B' diploma course conducted by the LFA was highly praised by CAF inspectors. He expressed the LFA's intention to raise the coaching standards for the upcoming 2023/2024 Orange national league. "Upon completion of this course, we will have 68 individuals holding a 'B' License to coach 42 teams, excluding those with an 'A' License. This will elevate the coaching level in the league, as only those with a 'B' License or higher will be eligible to coach. You should consider yourself as a challenge to those with an 'A' License," Browne added.

The first module of the course, which will be facilitated by CAF coaching instructors Joseph Kaetu Smith and Robert Lartey, is scheduled to take place from July 3rd to July 10th.

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