Liberia: Sen. Wesseh Urges Peaceful Elections

River Gee County Senator Conmany B. Wesseh has urged Liberians to conduct themselves peacefully during the upcoming presidential and legislative elections.

Addressing reporters over the weekend, Sen. Wesseh pleaded with Liberians to resist violence and prioritize peace.

He also rallied citizens to turn out at their various polling places and responsibly exercise their civic responsibility and democratic right to elect their leaders.

Over the weekend, Sen. Wesseh completed his candidacy nomination exercise as required by the National Elections Commission (NEC) for his reelection bid in River Gee County.

The exercise is ongoing at the Samuel Kanyon Doe Sports Complex (SKD) in Paynesville, Montserrado County.

Sen. Wesseh highlighted the critical need of maintaining a peaceful environment during the election, urging citizens to denounce election-related conflicts.

He cautioned Liberians to always be mindful that Liberia is the only country that they have.

He encouraged them to play their part in sustaining the country's peace, unity, and progress at all times.

"Liberians are on the march again to another cycle of presidential and [legislative] elections, the fourth election since the Civil War in 2003, and the second under the leadership of incumbent President George Manneh Weah."

"As we go to our respective polling places to participate in the elections on October 10, voting our favorite candidate, let us do it peacefully because it is our civic constitutional right," he said.

"Let us not backslide from this our responsibility and I'm urging every Liberian to participate, peacefully," he continued.

He stressed that violence should never be an option, as it only exacerbates divisions and hampers the progress of the nation.

On the other hand, Sen. Wesseh rallied political leaders to adhere to the Farmington River Declaration--a commitment aimed at fostering a fair, transparent, and peaceful electoral process.

The declaration serves as a guiding principle for all candidates and political parties, encouraging them to conduct their campaigns in a manner that respects the rights and dignity of all citizens.

By endorsing this pledge, political leaders can contribute to an atmosphere of trust, fairness, and non-violence throughout the electoral process.

Senator Wesseh called on candidates to embrace the spirit of sportsmanship and accept the outcome of the elections, irrespective of the results.

Further, Sen. Wesseh cautioned the youth of Liberia against being manipulated by politicians to incite violence.

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