Liberia: Prayer Can't Help You

Margibi — -Jeremiah Koung tells Weah

Opposition Amb. Joseph Nyumah Boakai's running mate Senator Jeremiah Kpang Koung says prayer can't help President George Manneh Weah where the situation has now reached in Liberia.

Koung's statement came in the wake of President Weah's recent working visit to the holy land of Israel where he was seen praying at holy sites.

The leader of the Movement for Democracy and Reconstruction (MDR) party has secured the running mate slot on the former ruling Unity Party (UP) ticket headed by former vice president Boakai.

Speaking during the UP visit to Kakata, Margibi County over the weekend, Koung told Mr. Weah that there are things that can be prayed about, while prayer cannot help others.

The Nimba Senator wondered how prayer could help a boy who is being affected by kush if he is not taken to a rehabilitation center.

"It na prayer business oo. We got to be serious to empower the DEA [Drugs Enforcement Agency], empower the police to arrest the drug importers," he said.

He noted that one could pray to God for life because he or she does not have control over it.

"Where we reached, it pas mar! Prayer can't help it. You can't see truck coming and you kneel down on the road and say I rebuke you in Jesus' name. The truck will kill you," said Mr. Koung.

According to him, God gave humans five senses because there are certain things they must do, adding that they can't pray for God to take off their shoes because he will not do it.

The Nimba Senator alleged that Mr. Weah is on his knees praying for reelection. However, reminded President Weah that God says the man who does not work must not eat.

Commenting on what to be done about drugs in Libera, Koung said it's not a prayer business.

We [have] to be serious to empower the DEA, empower the police to arrest the drug importers," he maintained.

Meanwhile, Mr. Koung has rejected speculations that the Rescue Team has trucked its supporters during its visit.

Koung bragged that the UP did not print t-shirts or give a dime to anyone to attend the program.

He noted that Liberians are a moving trailer ready for change, so prayer can't help the president now.

President Weah has been praying for peaceful elections in Israel where he received the Friends of Zion (FOZ) award, an internationally prestigious award bestowed on personalities who support the virtues and rights of the Jewish State of Israel.

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