Liberia: Cllr. Gongloe Finally Unveils Running Mate

Renowned human rights lawyer Cllr. Tiawan Saye Gongloe has finally named his running mate for his presidential bid.

Cllr. Gongloe announced Dr. Emmanuel Urey Yarkpawolo, a son of Bong County, as his running mate for the pending 10 October 2023 crucial presidential and legislative elections.

The former Liberia National Bar Association (LNBA) president is now the standard bearer of the opposition Liberian People's Party (LPP).

The Gongloe ticket said its focus is to reshape Liberia.

A colorful ceremony was held in Gbarnga, Bong County for the naming of Dr. Yarkpawolo, a former president of the Salvation Army Polyphonic University College (T-SAP) and an Environmental and Resource specialist.

Gongloe said Liberians have been praying to God for change and a better country, and his team has come as a help to Liberians.

Cllr. Gongloe noted that God cannot come down to save Liberians, but he will always send help through somebody to save his people.

He indicated that his party has come as a savior for Liberians, urging them not to be like a drowning man who turned down every offer to rescue him.

Cllr. Gongloe told a story of a drowning man who was awaiting God's help for rescue but also turned down other people's offers to rescue him.

Gongloe noted that God again sent help through a helicopter to save the drowning man, but the man said God would save him.

After drowning finally, Gongloe said the man went to heaven and asked God why he had disappointed him after trusting and serving him.

In response, Gongloe noted that he had sent help, but the drowning man refused it.

"You were drowning, I sent a swimmer you refused. I sent a helicopter to save you, but you rejected [it], I couldn't come to save you, my son," the story continued.

The 55-year-old vowed to sweep corruption from every corner of Liberia and to ensure social justice and equality.

The renowned Liberian lawyer said poverty in Liberia is "leadership poverty," urging Liberians to embrace the LPP ticket for the change they have been yearning for over the years.

Gongloe said his decision to pick Dr. Yarkpawolo was a headache choosing a God-fearing son that would buy into the idea of reshaping Liberia.

"This is a real generational change, he's the youngest, brightest, and most experienced of running mates. And we're excited to have him on our side and together we can transform this country," Cllr. Gongloe said.

Cllr. Gongloe stated that under his leadership, his government will build a corruption-free Liberia.

In his acceptance speech, Dr. Yarkpawolo said together they will adequately transform the country.

He vowed to promote democracy and justice. He added that they will be keen hard on fighting rampant corruption, and prosecute those engulfed with it.

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