Liberia: PYJ Tells Nimbaians to Reject Weah

Nimba County — Senator Prince Johnson of Nimba County is warning Nimbaians not to support the re-election of President George Weah.

According to him, the Weah administration has brought disgrace and suffering to the people of Liberia.

Speaking on Sunday, 9 July when former VP Boakai and Senator Jeremiah Koung arrived in Ganta, Nimba County, Sen. Johnson noted that suspicious killings, stealing, and joblessness have increased in the country since the inception of the CDC-led government, while young people lives are being destroyed by drugs.

According to him, giving President Weah a second term will bring more suffering and poor living conditions.

Senator Johnson, who is seeking a third term in office, further accused President Weah of being a bad leader.

However, during the 2017 runoff presidential election, he took Mr. Weah to Nimba and called on Nimbaians to support the CDC Standard Bearer, which they did that largely led to Weah winning the Presidency.

But the marriage between the two has since ended with PYJ taking his MDR party to former Vice President Joseph Nyumah Boakai, producing fellow Nimba County Senator Jeremiah Koung, as running mate for Ambassador Boakai.

Speaking later, both VP Boakai and Senator Koung called on Nimbaians not to refuse gifts and cash from the CDC but rather to vote the Coalition out of power.

Meanwhile, UP Chairman, Rev. Luther Tarpeh, has publicly accused President George Weah of being an international drug user.

Chairman Tarpeh alleged further that the President is involved with importation of drugs from the home country of First Lady Clar Weah. Mrs. Weah is a Jamaican national.

A container load of Cocaine valued US$100 million arrested last year at the Freeport of Monrovia, was reportedly destined for Brazil.

Tarpeh laments that the importation of drugs is destroying the future of more Liberian youth and blames President Weah for not doing much to halt the drug trade in the country.

The Liberian Legislature recently passed into law an amended drug law that is pending signature by President Weah. The amended law makes production, importation and sale of dangerous substances a non-bailable offense.

The UP chairman made the allegation over the weekend when the party standard bearer Joseph Boakai and running mate, Senator Jeremiah Koung, arrived in Ganta City.

Speaking at the Trumpet Baptist Church in Ganta, Chairman Tarpeh noted that when a weak leader leads a country, the citizens suffer, so it's about time to get the CDC out of power.

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