Liberians Can't Go Back to Misrule

-Opposition party says

The opposition National Development Party (NDP) has warned here that Liberians are not prepared to go back to twelve years of rule that misled the country.

During a celebration of NDP's accreditation on the Somalia Drive Sunday, 9 July 2023, party chairman Musa Sheriff said it's about time that recycled politicians rethink about new strategies that will give them state power.

"I like to remind you that there's no time for recycling politicians.We also want to let you know [that] this particular dispensation is not prepared to get back to [the] twelve-year rule that misled this country," he said.

On Sunday, the NDP celebrated its accreditation under the theme: "Taking NDP to the People." The celebration attracted scores of partisans, sympathizers and well wishers who defied a heavy downpour.

Mr. Sheriff thanked the National Elections Commission (NEC) for respecting the constitutional provisions that gives Liberians with the same mindset the right to gather together with an intent to work and liberate their country.

He also thanked all NDP supporters and partisans for defying the heavy downpour, saying their action showed that no matter the rain, they stand for Liberia's development.

Mr. Sheriff lamented the lack of political tolerance in Liberia.

"Politics is not a game of [enmity] ..., instead, politics is a game of ideology because the lives and future of the people will be in the hands of any politician," said Mr. Sheriff.

The NDP chairman called on supporters to disengage from acts of violence.

As the October elections are nearing, Sheriff said it is the obligation of every one to protect the peace.

"We can campaign and put forth our ideologies across the board; violence-free election is what we want in this country," he stated.

"We also want to caution you not to allow yourself to be misled by politicians. Today, I want to inform you [that] there are a lot of recycled politicians moving around, but don't allow yourself to be used by them," he continued.

He vowed that the NDP will be a formidable force in the pending elections, adding that they are a party that will determine the future of Liberia.

He informed the public that Liberians' future will not be muscled, adding that his party has come to make the difference and to inform politicians that they have the NDP to contend with.

"We will produce representatives and senators, and we will determine [who becomes] president of Liberia," he said.

Also speaking, NDP secretary general Jerry Yarkpah said the dream of the formulation of NDP began with the single idea of lifting the people out of poverty.

"Now we can proudly say the NDP has registered over nine representative candidates in the upcoming October polls," he disclosed.

He urged partisans and supporters to vote the NDP candidates for the growth of the country.

"We will never let you down, we are the NDP [and we] will produce not less than 10 representatives."

Meanwhile, NDP's Montserrado County Electoral District #13 representative hopeful Ayouba G. Dauda Swaray said the district will be redeemed from "the drugs man."

"We don't need individuals who are involved in narcotic substance to be our lawmaker. Now is the time to redeem our people and the district in particular," he alleged.

"It's you and I that will say no to drugs, say no lack of jobs. We are here today to vote against bad governance," he added.

Swaray suggested that the people continue to face hardship, lack jobs, better health care due to an alleged bad and irresponsible government.

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