Liberia: Woman, 27, Appears in Court for Gun Arrest At Rep. Kolubah's District Office

Monrovia — A 27-year-old woman, Watta Kollie, was presented in the Monrovia City Court after being arrested in connection with the possession of a single-barrel shotgun, seven live rounds, and a blue HP laptop found at the campaign office of Representative Yekeh Kolubah of District #10 in Montserrado County.

Defendant Kollie is facing charges of burglary, theft of property, and criminal trespass as stated by the Liberia National Police (LNP), which are in violation of Chapter 15, Sub. Chapter-B, Sections 15.20, 15.21, and 15.51 of the revised Penal Code of the Republic of Liberia.

According to the police, on the morning of July 2, 2023, Representative Yekeh Kolubah's security personnel apprehended defendant Watta Kollie at his District 10 office on Old Road, Sinkor.

The police claimed that defendant Kollie was caught in possession of a single-barrel shotgun, seven live rounds, and a blue HP laptop.

Court documents allege that defendant Watta Kollie confessed voluntarily during the investigation to the crimes of burglary and theft of property. She admitted to entering George Biah's residence in Tokpa Camp, Old Road Sinkor.

The court records further state that defendant Watta Kollie admitted to attempting to steal from Biah's house but found it already open and entered. Once inside, she took a small bag from under the mattress, which contained a single-barrel shotgun with seven live rounds. Later, she entered one of the rooms in Rep. Kolubah's District office and stole the shotgun and the blue HP laptop.

According to the police, defendant Watta Kollie concealed the small bag containing the single-barrel shotgun and the seven live rounds before entering one of the rooms in Hon. Yekeh Kolubah's District office. She was initially arrested in possession of the blue HP laptop, which belonged to the victim, Anthony Tumbay, and was stolen from one of the rooms in Kolubah's District office, as alleged in the document.

The document further claims that defendant Watta Kollie led Kolubah's security personnel to the location where she had hidden the small bag containing the single-barrel shotgun and the seven live rounds.

Based on the voluntary admission of the crimes (burglary and theft of property) by defendant Watta Kollie and the subsequent recovery of the small bag containing a single-barrel shotgun with seven live rounds stolen from suspect George Biah's residence, as well as the blue HP laptop stolen from Hon. Yekeh Kolubah's District office, the investigation has resulted in charging suspect Watta Kollie with the criminal offenses of burglary, theft of property, and criminal trespass. These charges are in violation of Chapters 15, Sub. Chapter-B, Sections 15.20, 15.21, and 15.51 of the revised Penal Code of the Republic of Liberia.

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