Kenya: Wajackoyah, Omanyo Flee as Youth Disrupt Demonstrations in Busia

Busia — An attempt by Busia women Rep Catherine Omanyo and Roots party leader George Wajackoyah to hold demonstrations in Busia town were cut-short after angry youths stoned their motorcade terming the move as sabotage to efforts by both the national and county governments to revive economy.

They youths vowed to stand firm and protect the the status of Busia town which they say has started to show signs of improvement.

They thus reiterated that they will not entertain any sort of bribery to fuel it into destruction.

Omanyo who had started a demonstration at Bumala was hopeful to make a triumphant entry into town but hell broke loose after a group known as Youth for peace buffed her efforts.

Omanyo in the company of Wajakoya and Budalangi MP Raphael Wanjala also got it rough as they sought to address Azimio supporters in the estates of Bulanda and Marachi forcing them to flee for their safety.

Busia is on face-lift with the expanding of the road from Korinda to OSBP creation of Nasewa Export Processing zone.

Speaking to the press at Green Garden, Busia Youth Alliance president Lazarus Ojijo has condemned a section of Busia leaders for funding destructions of peace and developments in the name of anti-government demonstrations; which he said is aimed at discouraging the intended investments.

"We are in full support of Busia governor to work with the government to give Busia new image, we will not allow anybody to use use for their own political mileage," said Ojijo.

The youths have wow not to join any demonstration and they are ready to engage any group trying to destruct the operations of the county.

It took the intervention of police to restore calm in the town. - Kna

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