Kenya: At Least 7 Dead in Kenya Protests Against High Cost of Living

Cost-of-living protests are continuing in Nairobi, Eldoret, Kisiu and several other areas in Kenya.

Nairobi — At least seven people were killed in Wednesday's protests in Kenya, as demonstrators took to the streets to protest the high cost of living.

Police confirmed three deaths in Mlolongo, two in Kitengela, and one each in Emali and Sondu-all shot dead in day-long confrontations with police.

"Three people were killed in Mlolongo, two in Kitengela, and one in Emali," a senior police officer said, "we also have a death in Sondu."

Dozens of people including police officers were also injured in the protests called by Opposition leader Raila Odinga.

The epicenter of the protests was in the capital Nairobi, Machakos, Kajiado, Kisumu, Kisii and Nyamira counties.

There was no immediate statement from police headquarters that banned the protests Tuesday.

Six other people were shot dead in Kisumu, Kisii and Migori last week, sparking outrage from the Kenya National Commission of Human Rights which warned police against excessive use of force on protesters.

"It is very unfortunate that 33 years later, when Kenya was celebrating democracy, we witnessed the return of a police state where the police brutalized unarmed, peaceful Kenyans exercising their constitutionally guaranteed freedom of assembly as they expressed their dissatisfaction with the state of the economy," said Roseline Odede, KNCHR's Chairperson who placed the number of those killed in last week's protests at seven. But the Interior Ministry only confirmed six who include 2 in Kisumu, one in Migori and three in Kisii.

Odede spoke on the day Opposition leader Raila Odinga was forced to call off a planned rally in Kamukunji-Nairobi following teargas by police who also fired live bullets to disperse a crowd that had gathered ready for an address from the Azimio leader.

Odede said it was unfortunate that police had resorted to dispersing protesters using firearms and teargas in what resulted in deaths and serious injury.

Violent protests were witnessed in the capital Nairobi and other parts of the country Wednesday, with police firing live bullets, teargas and deploying water canon.

Police fired tear gas on protesters who defied a police ban to join a demonstration against tax hikes in the capital Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu, Kisii, Homa Bay, Nakuru among others.

The situation in Kisumu on July 12, 2023 during protests against the high cost of living called by Opposition leader Raila Odinga.

Demonstrators blocked the main Mombasa Road Wednesday and vandalised metal grills separating the Expressway.

"The organization has observed that the police have resorted to using exercise force on protestors in the management of public assemblies and demonstrations," Odede said, adding that "The actions we have seen in the recent past including on Friday amount to total disregard of the National Police Service Standing Orders and the police code of conduct and must be legally investigated by relevant oversight bodies."

On Wednesday afternoon, Odinga addressed a press conference from his Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Foundation (JOOF) in Nairobi after police blocked Kamukunji grounds where he planned to address a rally.

"Police have blocked Kamukunji where they were shooting at people and using teargas," he said, "even our people who were sent there to set up a dais were dispersed."

While Odinga said many people had been shot and others arrested, Capital FM could not immediately verify the claim.

Odinga has vowed to continue mobilising protests to force President William Ruto to withdraw the Finance Act that spells out tax hikes, including on fuel which has angered many people.

"There is no moving on until Ruto comes out loud and clear on the need to have a bipartisan reconstitution of IEBC, until he commits to respects and stops interfering with other political parties. The fight for multiparty and a new constitution was so painful, so deadly and so costly that it could not have been in vain," Odinga said.

We did not fight for a new constitution and multiparty only for Ruto to take us back to the 1980s. Kenyans will not accept.

President Ruto has vowed the situation will not change and instead accused Odinga of inciting Kenyans.

"With unity and commitment, we will force Ruto to give Kenyans a good deal. We will shortly communicate the Third Wave and next course of action," Odinga said.

The Finance Act remain suspended until a case filed by Busia Senator Okiya Omtatah is heard and determined.

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