Ghana: Kwabena Agyepong Launches 'New Dawn' Campaign

A flagbearer hopeful of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Kwabena Agyei Agyepong has launched his campaign in Accra yesterday.

The campaign on the theme; 'New Dawn' was aimed at ushering in a "new dawn of astute political leadership with a clear vision and plan" that inspired hope in the youth and rekindled the faith of all Ghanaians.

Speaking at the launch, Mr Agyepong said the new dawn agenda envisions a country that was economically robust and resilient, fiscally responsible, socially cohesive and fully accountable to the Ghanaians.

Outlining the pillars on which the "new dawn" agenda was hinged on, he said his government would ran a lean downsized government with a total number of 54 ministers.

He said stakeholder consultations would be undertaken to introduce an upper limit of nine judges on the Supreme Court and possibly remove the retirement age of 70, and allow Supreme Court judges to serve until they were unable to perform.

Mr Agyepong mentioned that his administration would enforce law and order, impose discipline and ensure compliance of rules and regulations, cut waste in the public sector, restore meritocracy and professionalism, urban regeneration and renewal as well as revive the interest of Ghanaians in entertainment and sports.

According to Mr Agyepong, in order to change the way things were done, there was the need for leadership regeneration, adding that Ghana needed "a lease of new life and energy."

He said the party could not afford to put forward those who led the country in its current economic crisis, and expect Ghanaians to embrace them during the upcoming 2024 elections.

"At the level of our party primaries five of my co-contestants are still members or former members of the Economic Management Team. Another has been part of the system in parliament and is a board chairman of a vital public utility.

Mr Agyepong said the party needed "a new face, a pair of clean hands, and a leader" to reconnect with the base and earn the trust of Ghanaians.

"I offer a hope for new beginning, a clean break from the status quo that has become associated with our tradition in recent times. A leadership that understands, loves and helps people," Mr Agyepong said.

He called on delegates not to allow materialism to rule the political space, saying that the fight for the soul of the country was in its critical stages and that their decision during the upcoming primaries might be felt several years down the line.

"Let us restore authenticity, integrity and substance back into the political landscape and not allow ourselves to be bamboozled with excitable slogans on a bandwagon that leads us nowhere," he said.

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