Liberia: 'Henry Is My Son, I Hold Nothing Against Him'

...Boakai Responds To Costa

Ambassador Joseph Nyumah Boakai, Political Leader of the main opposition Unity Party has responded to allegations levied against him and his Unity Party by his former ally, Henry P. Costa.

In his polite response, the UP Standard-bearer wrote on his official social media page on the evening of July 10, 2023, saying, "Henry P. Costa is my son and I hold nothing against him. I forgive him and I'm always willing to work with every well-meaning Liberian to accomplish our mission to rescue Liberia.

It can be recalled that on July 10, 2023, Henry Costa address a news conference at the ALP Headquarters on the Old Road and made several allegations of how Boakai agreed to give the Wologisi Mountain up in return for support from undisclosed financiers, masterminding a lawsuit against Mr. Alexander Cummings and ANC officials, betrayal, and caring for Boakai's health amongst others.

In spite of these barraged allegations levied against him, Boakai did not rain insults, attack, or provide a detailed response to the allegations made by Henry Costa instead, the elderly state man cautioned his partisans, supporters, and well-wishers to focus on unseating the Weah administration which he termed as a nightmare.

"I advise all to focus our attention on the mission to remove the nightmare we have presiding over our country. Let's Think Liberia, Love Liberia, and Build Liberia," Boakai furthered.

At the same time, Nimba County Senator and Political God Father of Jeremiah Koung, Vice Running Mate to Amb. Joseph Nyumah Boakai also responded to Costa in one paragraph. He cautioned Liberians not to dignify the ALP spokesman.

Prince Y. Johnson wrote on his Facebook page saying, "We must not dignify our son Henry Costa about his contradictory press statement; he will come back to work with us. Remember kojologbo and poison in 2017."

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