Liberia: Why I Chose Dr. Urey Yarkpawolo As My Running Mate - Gongloe

Gbarnga — The standard bearer of the Liberia People's Party (LPP), Cllr. Tiawan Gongloe, said he chose Dr. Emmanuel K Urey-Yarkpawolo as his running mate because "I believe this is the man who can help me bring the best governance to all Liberians, regardless of his youthfulness.

Dr. Urey, 42, was unveiled last week as running mate in Gbarnga at a program that brought together thousand of supporters of the party.

At Saturday's unveiling, Gongloe explained that it was a tough decision to arrive at his choice of a running mate, one which required wild consultations with various stakeholders.

Gongloe said that in his consultations with party stalwarts, he made it clear that his "running mate would have the potential to succeed him at a moment's notice."

According to him, Dr. Urey possesses the admirable attributes for the position of Vice-President. "Dr. Urey's choice was largely influenced by his youthfulness, vast knowledge of global and local leadership, an experience which Liberia is in great need at this point in time."

"This ticket will be able to steer our nation back on the path of progress, economic prosperity and unity."

Born in Gomue, a small village near the Guinea border in Bong's District Number 4 in 1981, Dr. Urey started school at the age of nearly 14 years in the Bheta Refugee Camp in Guinea in 1995. Prior to starting school, his father sent him to an apprenticeship to become a traditional blacksmith. He spent two weeks in the blacksmith shop, ran away and returned to the refugee camp, where he later started school.

Ten years later in 2005, Dr. Urey-Yarkpawolo graduated from high school as the dux winning 8 awards out of 12 subjects and serving as Student Council President.

Not only did he obtain his Bachelor's Degree in 2008 from Cuttington University, but in the 10 years that followed, he added beneath his academic belt, a Master's Degree in Public Health (2011) from Cuttington University, a Master's of Science in Environment and Resources with emphasis in Political Ecology (2013) and a Ph.D. in the same field from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2018.

Dr. Urey-Yarkpawolo also holds a certificate of Leadership with Integrity from Les Aspin Center for Government in Washington D.C. and a certificate in Management & Entrepreneurship from Columbia University in New York.

Prior to being named as running mate to Cllr. Gongloe, Dr. Urey had announced his intentions to contest as representative of District Four in October.

Making remarks at his unveiling program, he announced his withdrawal from the race, saying it was an "honor and privilege" to be nominated as Gongloe's running mate.

"But, after much reflection and wider consultations, I now wish to withdraw my ambition," he said, adding that: "I realized that my decision will enable Cllr. Gongloe have more latitude to give more accommodation and inclusion that will position the LPP to win the coming elections, with the support of the people of Bong County and Liberians in general."

Saturday's unveiling ceremony experienced massive crowd as supporters of the LPP stormed the Gbarnga Administration building venue sensitizing the people including motorists and passers-by.

The LPP supporters kick started their rally from the party's Bong County headquarters in a mammoth crowd wearing customized LPP t-shirts. The supporters were sighted chanting 'Gongloe For President', ' We want good governance', 'We are tired of bad governance ' and so on, waved the Liberian flag and the LPP flag.

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