Liberia: Chief Zoekweh Assures Mayor Koijee of Nimba Support to Pres. Weah in October Elections

Monrovia — Mayor Jefferson Koijee, following his recent trip to Israel, reached out to Maj. Gen. Albert G. Paye, affectionately known as Chief ZOEKWEH, a respected elder in Nimba County, to convey his congratulations on his wedding and extend pleasantries to Mrs. Paye. During their conversation, they discussed the politics and people of Nimba County, with Chief ZOEKWEH assuring Mayor Koijee of the elders' unwavering commitment to President George Weah.

Reflecting on the nature of Nimbaians, Mayor Koijee emphasized their gratitude and expressed confidence that the people of Nimba would show their support for President Weah in the upcoming 2023 General and Presidential elections. The Mayor highlighted tangible achievements, such as increased job creation, under President Weah's leadership, which he believes will drive overwhelming support for the ruling party, the CDC, in the county.

Mayor Koijee reminded Nimbaians of their past support for leaders like Charles Taylor and President Sirleaf, stressing that their decision to back President Weah is grounded in a history of recognizing leaders who have worked for the betterment of Nimba County. He dismissed attempts by Senator Prince Johnson to individualize the county and manipulate the Nimba people's decision-making process, emphasizing that the people are wise and determined to shape their own future.

Addressing criticisms regarding job creation, Mayor Koijee pointed out the paradox of critics who have become wealthier while allegedly neglecting the interests of Nimbaians. He questioned the audacity of individuals who have enjoyed significant political power for more than 18 years, now seeking to extend that to 27 years, claiming that such a proposition is outrageous and selfish.

Furthermore, the Mayor criticized attempts to exclude individuals like Cllr. Tiawon Gongloe, who hails from the Mano-speaking tribe, from participating in Nimba County's political landscape. He emphasized the importance of reconciliation and a united Nimba County, acknowledging a new breed of Nimbaians who share this vision, including retired national youth and student leaders and statesmen.

Mayor Koijee expressed optimism that with the unity and determination exhibited by this new generation of Nimbaians, the county would overcome divisions, trivialities, threats, and intimidations, paving the way for a prosperous and unified Nimba.

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