Ghana: Northern Region Pilgrims Commend Hajj Board

Tamale — Pilgrims in Northern Region have commended the Ghana Hajj Board for the care and good provision of services given to them throughout their spiritual journey in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

"The officials of the Ghana Hajj Board were always at the doors of our hotel rooms in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to ensure that we were in good health," a pilgrim, Alhaji Hamdawei Amadu, on board the last flight back to Tamale, told the Ghanaian Times on Thursday at the Tamale International Airport (TIA).

"When we arrived safely in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia a month ago to perform this year's Hajj, we were well-catered for," he stated.

Alhaji Amadu said the accommodation facilities secured for them were not far from the sacred sites in Makkah and Madinah, adding that it made their spiritual activities very easy and less stressful.

He said Ghanaian pilgrims were so excited to have their Muslim brothers in the Saudi to socialise, through the efforts of the Hajj Board, throughout their stay in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

"We were not having any hitches, we were comfortable throughout the process in Ghana up to the Holy Land," he added

He, however, appealed to the Ghana Hajj Board to continue working closely with the Saudi Government for continuous provision of better services to the Ghanaian pilgrims.

Alhaji Halim Rubai one of the pilgrims also told Ghanaian Times that this year's Hajj had been very remarkable and splendid, and thanked the Ghana Hajj Board for the efforts in guiding them undertake the spiritual journey.

He said the services for this year's Hajj was commendable, even though it was his first time of embarking on the spiritual journey to the Holy Land.

Alhaji Rubai appealed to the Ghana Hajj Board and the government to consider reducing the Hajj fare for Muslims, to make affordable for more prospective pilgrims to perform the Hajj in the coming years.

At least 2,000 pilgrims were airlifted directly from TIA to Jeddah, in the kingdom of the Saudi Arabia, to perform their spiritual duties.

The other pilgrims airlifted from the Kotoka International Airport are expected back home today.

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