Liberia: 'Liberia Is Not a Test Tube for Failed Experiments' - Pres. Weah Warns Opponents Against Former VP Boakai

Monrovia — In a spirited rally organized by the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), President George M. Weah called upon Liberians to remain vigilant against the empty promises of failed politicians as the nation's Presidential and Legislative elections loom a mere eighty-five days away. Addressing a large crowd of supporters, President Weah emphasized the need for a new era of dedicated and practical leaders who are prepared to confront challenges head-on.

President Weah, citing his experience and dedication to the Liberian people, highlighted the accomplishments of his government over the past five years. He expressed his commitment to the Pro-poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development, which has been a cornerstone of his administration since its launch in 2018. Despite hurdles such as the withdrawal of foreign troops and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, President Weah urged his fellow citizens not to fall for the rhetoric of the same old politicians who merely discuss problems without providing viable solutions.

During his impassioned speech, President Weah acknowledged the dire state of education, infrastructure, and other sectors before his presidency. He underscored the importance of fostering a new generation of leaders who are both young and dedicated, ready to tackle these challenges head-on. The President expressed gratitude for the trust and support bestowed upon him by the Liberian people, while outlining the achievements accomplished by his administration over the past six years.

Under President Weah's leadership, Liberia has witnessed significant progress in various sectors. The construction of hundreds of kilometers of roads has improved connectivity, while numerous school buildings have been rehabilitated to provide quality education. Additionally, new hospitals have been established to enhance healthcare services. President Weah also emphasized initiatives such as free tuition and fee payments for WASSCE and WAEC, demonstrating his commitment to removing barriers that hinder the potential of Liberia's youth.

Despite facing a campaign of lies and vilification from remnants of the old guard, President Weah reassured the crowd that the Liberian people remain wise and are tired of the relics of the past. He pledged to continue working tirelessly to bring about a prosperous future for all citizens. In a spirit of unity, President Weah called on former members of the CDC who had left the party to return and join hands for victory. He stressed the importance of reconciliation and forgiveness, urging everyone to let bygones be bygones.

To strengthen his campaign for this year's elections, President Weah announced the appointment of Lenn Eugene Nagbe, the Liberia Maritime Authority Commissioner, as the CDC's campaign manager. This move is expected to bolster the party's efforts to secure victory in the upcoming elections.

President Weah's rally resonated with his supporters, focusing on his administration's achievements, unwavering commitment to progress, and the urgent need for a generational change in leadership. By urging Liberians to reject failed experiments and empty promises, President Weah emphasized his vision for a prosperous Liberia that continues to move forward.

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