Ghana: Assin North MP's Stay of Proceedings Application Dismissed

The Accra High Court yesterday dismissed the application seeking stay of proceedings, filed by lawyers for the Assin North Member of Parliament (MP) pending the determination of a motion filed at the Court of Appeal.

This is the second application for stay of proceedings filed by the lawyers for the MP, Mr James Gyakye Quayson, following the first one that was dismissed on Tuesday July 11, 2023.

The court presided over by Justice Mary Maame Ekue Yanzuh, in its ruling, said having considered the fact that in applications cases, a court may not follow binding precedent of the Supreme Court (SC).

She said there was no order restraining the court and that the hearing of the case shall proceed.

The court called first prosecution witness for cross-examination.

The first Prosecution Witness (PW), Richard Takyi Mensah, told the court he has been at the premises of the Electoral Commission (EC) and was also aware of a complaint lodged in the EC against the candidacy of Mr Quayson over the elections.

Mr Mensah, was under cross-examination by counsel of the accused, Mr Tsatsu Tsikata.

As to whether he was aware of the EC's invitation to the complainant and the accused, Mr Mensah replied that the he has read it in the newspapers, and on that basis, accused was cleared by the EC to contest.

Mr Mensah told the court that he read stories about the issue on the internet while he (Mensah) also read it from documents and processes in the civil cases served the petitioner through him.

Mr Mensah said his petition to the Director General of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ghana Police Service was written in English and identified the signature and the statement as his.

He admitted that even though he stated that he had attached a statutory declaration made by the accused when he was being sworn into office, it could happen that he did not attach all the documents.

Lawyers for Mr Quayson filed an appeal challenging decision by the High Court to dismiss their motion for a review of the court's previous orders.

The High Court had earlier ruled against a motion challenging its decision to hear the case involving Mr Quayson and the Republic on a day-to-day basis.

Mr Tsikata said the court erred in law when it failed to give due attention to important considerations such as constitutional rights of the accused in exercising its discretion.

"Notice of errors of law set out in the notice of appeal, including the endorsement, in effect, of prejudice to a fair trial clearly is in breach of the accused person's constitutional rights to a fair trial," he said.

Mr Tsikata indicated that the team of lawyers would apply to the Court of Appeal again for a stay of proceedings, pending the appeal at the Appeal Court, and asked the court to give them such opportunity.

The SC nullified Mr Quayson's election as MP for Assin North for holding Canadian citizenship and being a Ghanaian when he filed his nomination to contest the election in 2020.

He now faces charges of perjury and deceiving a public officer.

Mr Quayson was, however, re-elected following a by-election conducted by the Electoral Commission on Tuesday, June 27, 2023.

Hearing continues today.

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