Ghana: Togbe Afede Tours Flood-Affected Areas in Ho ...Donates to Victims

Ho — The Overlord of Asogli State, Agbogbomefia Togbe Afede IVX, over the weekend inspected the extent of damage caused by the recent flooding of the Ho Municipality and its immediate environs.

He was accompanied on a tour of the municipality by the top hierarchy of Ho Municipal Assembly and some member of the Asogli Traditional Council.

Some of the areas visited were the Civic Centre enclave, Barracks road, the Asogli Palace Square, Ho Technical University Junction and the Aleoe Bridge among others.

Expressing shock at the extent of damage to the affected areas after the more than two-hour tour, Togbe Afede said there was the need to find a lasting solution to the perennial flooding of the municipality.

He said it was important for the municipal assembly to identify short and long term measures to the situation in order to limit its impact.

Togbe Afede explained that one key short term measure was to curtail all negative human activities that contributed to the obstruction of the free flow of running water in the municipality.

He said a fund had been established to assist the sustainability of long term projects by central government like the widening of storm drains in Ho which is also the regional capital.

The Municipal Chief Executive of Ho, Mr Divine Bosson thanked Togbe Afede for the timely manner in which he responded to the plight of his subjects following the flood disaster.

He said the volume of rains were least expected and the havoc caused to the lost of properties were immeasurable, however life was lost in the melee.

Sunon Asogli Power Plants, an Independent Power Producer in the country of which Togbe Afede is a founding member were first to commiserate with the victims.

They also provided packaged food items in the form of rice and edible oil in addition to GH¢150,000 newly established Environmental Sustainability Fund.

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