Liberia: Director Haynes Encourages Students to Reflect

The Director of Press at the House of Representatives Robert Haynes, has encouraged students of Keenen Institute as they celebrate their achievements to reflect on the journey that brought them where they are currently.

Serving as keynote speaker at Keenen recently in New Georgia, Director Haynes told the students to remember the times when they faced difficulties and overcame them with determination.

"Cherish the friendships you have built, the laughter you have shared, and the moments of discovery that have expanded your horizons", he urged.

He said the event marks the end of a chapter, but it also signifies the beginning of a new adventure, as the kids transition to the next phase of their education, whether middle school or beyond, and to remember that the skills they have acquired and the values they have embraced will continue to guide them.

"Embrace curiosity, be resilient in the face of challenges, and always strive for excellence, remember, each one of you has unique talents and abilities. Embrace them, nurture them, and let them shine. Dream big, set ambitious goals, and believe in yourself. With hard work, determination, and perseverance, there is no limit to what you can achieve".

Haynes added that each one of the students has displayed resilience, determination, and a thirst for knowledge that is truly inspiring, adding that they have tackled challenges head-on, embraced new experiences, and pursued excellence in all that they do.

At the same time he used the occasion to extend gratitude to the incredible teachers and staff of the institution.

"Your dedication, passion, and unwavering commitment to nurturing these young minds have played a crucial role in shaping the students before us. Your tireless efforts have provided them with a solid foundation for their academic and personal development".

He also thanked parents and guardians who have supported their children throughout their early academic journey, which is a testament to their love, encouragement, and sacrifice.

"Your unwavering support has been instrumental in helping these students reach their potential", Director Haynes said.

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