Gambia: Barrow Describes MYEAS Classrooms Project As Appropriate And Strategic

His Excellency Adama Barrow has described the fundraising conference of the Muhammed Yadalieu English Arabic School (MYEAS) of building more classrooms as "appropriate and strategic" if one reflects on the saying of the Prophet (SAWS).

According to him, funds raised through this programme will be invested in constructing more classrooms to accommodate more children, thereby contributing to government's efforts aimed at improving literacy levels in the Gambia.

The Minister of Trade, Industry, Regional Integration and Employment Hon. Baboucarr Ousmaila Joof read the President's statement at the event held on Saturday at the Sir Dawda Kairaba International Conference Center.

The Islamic conference was orgainsed by the school to raise funds to address the crucial need for additional classrooms in the school, owing to the increasing number of admissions at both the Lower and Upper Basic School levels.

Speaking on behalf of the president, Mr Joof expressed His Excellency President Barrow's appreciation of Haja Maimuna Yadalieu Savage's immense contribution to efforts to educate, sensitize and inform the Muslim Umma through her iconic programmes on GRTS and other media. According to him, for the last three decades, it is an undisputable fact that Haja Maimuna is a role model for women and girls, who religiously followed her activities. "By teaching Islam and practicing it and pioneering this institution with an all-inclusive curriculum, Aja has contributed to building the human capital base of the country, boosted the moral capital of the country, while positively participating in the economic empowerment of our people. The government of the Gambia appreciates and continues to value our close collaboration and partnership which can be further consolidated through the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education where this hybrid curriculum is adequately supported, as adequately demonstrated by the mainstreaming of Islamic and Arabic education in close partnership with AMAANA," he stated.

He further invited everyone irrespective of their nationality, race, gender or ethnicity, to join hands and hearts in supporting this noble mission aimed at building more classrooms which undoubtedly will translate to 'Sadakhartul Jaariya'. "With the understanding that by constructing educational facilities like these ones, we are investing in the future of our community, while freighting containers of virtue to the hereafter, I have no iota of doubt that Muslims will grab these opportunities to seek a comfortable life after we depart this world," he noted.

In conclusion, he urged each and everyone to embrace the opportunity to make a difference. "Let us unite under the banner of education, inspired by the teachings of our faith, and motivated by the love and concern we hold for humanity which is the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet (Peace be upon him). With your support, a brighter future awaits The Gambia, where no child is left behind, and quality education becomes a reality for all," he said.

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