Liberia: Speaker Chambers Underwrites Bernice Brown Medical Bills in Ghana

The Speaker of the House of Representatives Dr. Bhofal Chambers has made a cash presentation of United States Dollars Three Thousand Five Hundred ($3500.USD) to cover the treatment of Madam Bernice Brown, 36yrs, in Ghana.

Medical authorities at the John F. Kennedy Medical Center and the ELWA Hospital, a year ago, diagnosed Madam Brown of "cancer between her womb and sexual organ".

The Korle Bu Teaching Hospital in Ghana also confirmed the illness.

Dr. Chambers said the amount provided will be used to underwrite allowance, transportation and medical bills of Madam Bernice Brown who is expected to be flown to Ghana for advance medical treatment.

The House Speaker who is also Representative of Pleebo Sodoken District in Maryland County he learned of Madam Brown's sickness during her plea on Truth FM in Duport Road.

He was touched, there by expressing concerned preceding his intervention to further her treatment.

The Maryland County Representative said his prompt intervention to take Bernice Brown to Ghana is intended to get her back on her feet.

"I hope and pray that you speedily recover to the fullest. I want to see you well and that will depend on your adherence to the health guidelines. God, has blessed me and I have to bless others", he said.

For her part, Madam Bernice Brown, was full of praises for the Honorable Speaker of the House of Representatives, Dr. Bhofal Chambers.

"I want to say thank you to you Dr. Bhofal Chambers. It is my first-time meeting with you. I pray that God will bless you. If God can pass through you to listen to me on air and you listened to my cry, he will bless you, your family and children", she said.

Bernice Brown said life has been unbearable after she contracted the illness and has sought intervention until the intervention of House Speaker, Dr. Bhofal Chambers.

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