Liberia: Agony From Anti-Corruption Rally

Madam Evelyn Lomax is one of two victims from the violence that disrupted Wednesday, July 19, 2023, Anti-Corruption Rally organized by presidential hopeful, Cllr. Tiawan Saye Gongloe of the opposition Liberian People's Party (LPP) in Monrovia. The second victim has been identified as a male, Amos Cooper.

Wednesday's rally turned chaotic with campaigners running helter-skelter when unknown individuals violently disrupted the gathering, throwing stones on stage, as Lead Campaigner, Cllr. Gongloe narrowly escaped attack.

The LPP Standard Bearer and his running mate, Dr. Emmanuel Urey Yarkpawolo, had mobilized partisans, supporters, and the general public a day earlier to come out for a peaceful protest against massive corruption and pillage in government.

The drama started as Cllr. Gongloe mounted podium to address the Liberian people when a group of unidentified individuals believed to be intruders, unleashed hails of stones from multiple directions, leaving two persons wounded.

Speaking earlier, the chairperson of the rally, Jessica Angel Morris, rallied Liberians to reject corrupt leaders in the upcoming Presidential and Legislative elections in an effort to put an end to corruption and make Liberia a better nation.

Madam Morris fast-tracked actions she thinks are needed to eliminate corruption, urging the United States Government to speedily investigate and provide evidence against former and current officials of the Weah administration sanctioned by the U.S. Department of Treasury for massive corruption.

She specifically named Nimba County Senator Prince Johnson, former Minister of State for Presidential Affairs now Margibi County senatorial hopeful Nathaniel McGill, and former Managing Director of the National Port Authority (NPA) Bill Tweahy now Rivercess County senatorial hopeful, among others she shortlisted.

She underscored a need for their prosecution if full and speedy investigations are conducted that would allow them to face the full weight of the law as first action to eradicating corruption in the public sector.

She called for a consolidated effort from Liberians generally, including Civil Society Organizations, Street Vendors, Petty Traders, Bike and Tricycle riders, Yana Boys, and Market Women in the fight against corruption, while reaffirming the Anti-Corruption Campaigners' commitment to leading a vigorous campaign against systemic corruption.

According to her, a stronger but collective fight will end corruption and impunity in Liberia that have hindered growth and development of the country.

Speaking shortly after disruption of the rally, LPP Vice Presidential Candidate, Dr. Emmanuel Urey Yarkpawolo, condemned the action by the unknown intruders, describing it as casualties against justice and a decent society that has a propensity to undermine peace.

However, Dr. Yarkpawolo maintained that despite the attack, the Liberian People's Party along with the Anti-Corruption Campaigners will not relent in vigorously campaigning to end corruption in Liberia, while demanding full investigation into the incident to bring perpetrators to justice.

Cllr. Gongloe, a renowned human rights lawyer, carries a broom symbolizing unflinching quest to vehemently sweep corruption in the public sector if elected President of Liberia in October.

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