Gambia: 'Sukuta-Jabang Roundabout Not Part of Contract for Overpass Erection

Following public outcry over lack of an overpass at the Sukuta-Jabang Roundabout along the Coastal Road Highway, Arezki the construction company has clarified that it's not part of the contract.

Miri Jamil, Arezki project manager, in an interview with The Point regarding the overpasses and in line with the expiry of the road construction project, stated that before the beginning of the road construction, they did what is called a "traffic count" which determines the number of vehicles that ply a particular junction.

"During the traffic count for this project, three junctions recommended for overpass construction were Old Yundum-Coastal Road, the Brusubi Roundabout and the Trafficlight at the Kairaba Avenue," he said.

Also, he gave a guarantee that the overpasses they build will serve for 100 years while the main road is tipped to serve 20 years.

He revealed that during the traffic count, these three areas were seen as the busiest junctions that had a greater number of traffic flow and were considered for the construction of the overpasses.

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