Liberia: ALP Will Be a Force

-Urey tells UP

The standard bearer of the All Liberian Party Mr. Benoni Urey warns one-time political ally Ambassador Joseph Nyumah Boakai that the ALP will use the October 10th presidential and legislative elections to let the Unity Party know that it (ALP) is a force to reckon with.

Speaking at the certification program of 36 aspirants for legislative seats on the ALP's tickets at the party headquarters on Old Road, Mr. Urey said the world should know that ALP did not leave the Unity Party, but rather, it was the UP that threw them out.

He explains that the ALP had worked with the Unity Party for the past five to six years, but as the presidential and legislative elections draw near, Boakai and the UP said they did not want any collaboration, something, he describes as the greatest betrayal ever in Liberian political history.

"Before then, they influenced us to start working for the formation of the Democratic Alliance and at the end of the day, they said they do not need the DA again."

According to Mr. Urey, the UP said they did not need the Democratic Alliance since there was no confusion in their party because the Democratic Alliance was only meant for a 'fallback' position.

He reveals that the UP convinced him and Professor Alaric Togba to form the Democratic Alliance, adding that the UP has allegedly "hijacked" the documents of the DA and money sent from the United States to open a bank account for the alliance.

"Based on these prevailing circumstances, the national executive committee of the ALP has passed a resolution that we no longer support the Unity Party", he declares.

The ALP standard bearer also alleges that the Unity Party applied tribal pressure to take four of the legislative aspirants after his party has nurtured them.

"But, we will let them know that during this election, we are a force to reckon with and I want to let the world know that we will never be used like that again."

He adds that ALP spent time and resources on the Unity Party for six years, but just because of two or three legislative seats, it fought the ALP, asking "How were they to be so wicked and evil?"

"I want the world to know that we are not stupid and we will never be used that way again; God is a wonderful supernatural being because He has shown us these people now."

Mr. Urey notes that if they had gone through these elections in an alliance with the UP and won, UP would have treated the ALP and its partisans like dogs and trash; "but I am telling you that your voices will be heard and at the appropriate time we will meet and decide where next", he assures the certificated aspirants.

He says nobody should think that the ALP owes anyone and they will have to support them, adding "Because politics is interest and anywhere the party decides that we will support, we will support that with all the forces at our disposal."

There are rumors that Mr. Urey and his party may go the way of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change of President Weah, comes October 10th.

He points that coming changes in the country will start at the national legislature and expresses optimism for those people nominated on his party's ticket in the elections.

A total of 36 aspirants including one woman and two senatorial aspirants were certificated during the program.

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