Liberia: Sen. Nuquay Attacks Mcgill

Margibi — Margibi County Senator James Emmanuel Nuquay, who is strongly opposed to the senatorial bid of former Minister Nathaniel Falo McGill in the county, says the U.S. Embassy is a black snake for McGill or a no-go-area for the senatorial aspirant.

He made the statement while denying rumors that he was denied U.S. Visa recently.

Serving as guest speaker at the induction ceremony of the Dinning-ta Clan Youth Leadership in Yarnwullie-District#5, Margibi County on the theme: "Using your current leadership opportunity as a stepping stone for future leadership opportunity",

Senator Nuquay told the young people that the life they lived yesterday is making a way for them today to be successful.

He stated that the former Liberian official who was sanctioned along with others by the U.S. in August last year, considers the road leading to the American Embassy as an area where snake will bite him.

According to him, when someone tells McGill about the road to the Embassy, he will warn such person not to cause a snake to bite him (McGill).

Sen. Nuquay now rallies support in every public gathering for President Weah's reelection, but seriously denounces McGill as an embarrassment and trouble to the future of Margibi and should be vehemently rejected by the people of Margibi at the ballot box.

"They started going around and saying Nuquay went for visa, but they denied him visa. American Government did not deny me visa. The American Government gave me a visa for one year that any time I want to go to America, I should go there. They also gave my wife visa for one year. My wife will be traveling next month so any time I want to travel, my wife wants to travel, she can travel and myself can travel any time. After 18 years of service, I can go to the US Embassy and can get visa but this man just after 5 years of service, when you tell him about the road to the American Embassy, he will say, my man, don't make that snake bite me ooo. He will think that's black snake," he stated.

A day before his assertion, the senator publicly displayed his multiple entry visa issued to him by the U.S. Embassy Monrovia for a year beginning July 18, 2023, to July 16, 2024, bragging that he can go to America every month if he wants to.

But notes McGill failed himself, the people of Gbarpolu, President George Weah, and the country through his action and cannot be trusted with the senatorial position of Margibi.

Nuquay, who is regarded by many as Margibi County Political godfather, adds "For you to work and for the Americans to sanction you, he has done a bad job and he cannot be our senator."

He also observes that the former minister was given an opportunity by the President to almost manage the country but he brought shame that the Americans had to use their taxpayers' money to focus on him, search and imposed sanction on him to leave government.

While speaking, the senator asked a series of questions to the audience: "Do you want any of your children to be sanctioned tomorrow by the American Government? Do you want to stand with a sanctioned man? Do you want bad luck to follow your children tomorrow?"

To all of the above questions, they all responded "No" in their loudest voices.

Nuquay wonders whether it is fair for a person, who ended in disgrace, hails from a different county to come to Margibi and seek a senatorial seat because his own county does not want him.

He told Margibians that McGill is a stranger so he sees everyone in the county as strangers and believes that Margibi is an area for strangers, evidenced by the fact that he told residents of the county once that Margibi is a county of immigrants.

The People's Unification Party or PUP Political Leader averred that every county has two senators so voting for McGill will mean that Gbarpolu County will have three senators and Margibi will have one who is he and he alone cannot do a senatorial job for Margibi.

He cautioned them to vote for any of their sons of Margibi who is contesting for the senate instead of a sanctioned man who is seeking refuge.

"Nobody should leave their county and come in our own and say we should give them our own of job," he maintained.

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