Liberia: Food Poisoning Leaves Over 30 Persons Hospitalized

Hospital Ward (file photo).

Nimba County — Health Authorities at the Jackson Fiah Doe Memorial Referral Hospital in Tappita, Nimba County have admitted over 30 persons as a result of food poisoning. There has been no death reported.

The victims said to be communion farmers, ate a goat soup last Friday, 21 July in Dorpa, Yarwimehnson Administrative district in electoral district#9, Nimba County.

About 28 of them are members of a farming union locally known as 'Koo' while more than five others are from the same family, who are believed to have eaten some of the food that was allegedly prepared by a man only identified as Josiah and his wife, owners of the farm they had gone to work.

The couple previously lived in Tappita, but later relocated to Dorpa Town in District #9 where they are involved in farming.

The NEW DAWN gathered that among those hospitalized are two pregnant women, whose conditions are reportedly critical.

Some of the victims narrated that Josiah and his wife prepared 'GB', a local dish made of cassava, and goat soup during the afternoon hours which the Koo members ate.

The victims were initially rushed to Boyee Clinic, a nearby health facility but staff there could not solve their problem so they were subsequently taken to Jackson Fiah Doe Memorial Hospital where they are currently receiving medication.

According to eyewitness accounts, following the evening meal, the Koo members began experiencing stomach pain, which some of them considered ordinary illness.

Sources narrated that Josiah and his family prepared the food only for the workers without eating any themselves. An unidentified lady is said to have assisted the wife in cooking the meal.

Following the incident, local authorities in the district assembled in Dorpa Town and invited Josiah and his family for questioning during which his daughter allegedly confessed that they had found a dead goat earlier on the farm, but have no knowledge of what killed the animal.

Some family members told them not to eat the goal nor prepare it for the Koo members that were expected to work for them, but they seemed to have ignored the advice.

This paper also gathered that after intervention by local authorities in the district, officers of the Liberia National Police in Tappita arrested Josiah and detained him, pending thorough investigation.

Report says after the communion farmers ate the GB, Josiah and his family also cooked rice for them in the evening hours, which they ate with the remaining goat soup. Editing by Jonathan Browne

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