Liberia: Presidential Hopeful Withdraws Bid

Dr. George Parkinson Gonpu has relinquished his ambition to contest for the Liberian presidency in the pending October 10 presidential and legislative elections.

At a press conference Saturday, 22 July 2023, the African Democratic Movement of Liberia (ADML) standard bearer said he had suspended his desire of contesting for the presidency.

He said the decision followed his party's assessment of the political landscape, some consultations and debates held among the ADML leaders, and in light of the information gathered.

In attendance at the press conference were ADML Chairman, Vice Standard Bearer, and party leaders in Fiamah.

"Despite this decision, our party shall continue to be an active player in helping to ensure that Liberia stays on a path of consolidating democracy, which includes peaceful, fair, and transparent elections, accountable leadership, and the rule of reasonable and good laws," he noted.

Dr. Gonpu explained that although the party will have no presidential candidate, it has five nominees in the elections for the House of Representatives who have submitted all of their paperwork to the National Elections Commission (NEC).

He emphasized that the party will continue to support them to win in their districts.

The nominees are Andrew M. Wongeh of District #4, Montserrado County; Joseph W. Jallah of District #17, Montserrado County; Trokon B. Lewis of District #1, Montserrado County; and Jasgbah A. Jasgbah of District #6, Montserrado County; and Usher P. David of District #1, Bong County.

He indicated that ADML will not be a ruling party in 2024 and therefore will not have the political authority over the management of Liberia's resources required to fully implement its vision.

However, he said the party will look at its platform and determine the portion that it can implement as a vibrant opposition party.

He urged partisans, supporters, and sympathizers of the party to continue to unite, remembering that ADML has come a long way and has compelling grassroots history and a great vision for Liberia.

"Let's move forward together, dedicated to our principles of unity, integrity, and creativity. Let us continue to invest in ADML and make it stronger and better ready for other possible future opportunities to lead in Liberia," he stated.

Meanwhile, Dr. Gonpu has historicized that on January 16 this year, he formally announced his interest in seeking the presidency.

He said the decision was influenced by the increasing challenges facing the country. Among them, he said, are the challenges of disunity, job creation deficits, rising poverty, corruption, rising cost of living, and high inequality.

He said all of that is made worse by the problems of ineffective leadership at the presidency and other branches of government in the country.

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