Liberia: EPA Warns of Potential Flooding

The Environmental Protection Agency of Liberia (EPA) is issuing a stern warning to all residents of Monrovia and its environs regarding heavy rainfalls that are expected to cause flooding in various parts of the country. The EPA urges residents to take immediate precautionary measures to safeguard their lives and properties during this critical weather event.

The EPA's primary concern is safeguarding public health and the environment. With the imminent threat of flooding, it is imperative that we all act responsibly and collectively to mitigate potential risks. Therefore, the EPA sternly calls on all residents to immediately cease the following activities:

Throwing Dirt in the Waterway: Disposing of waste or debris in water bodies and drainages not only contaminates the water but also obstructs natural drainage systems, exacerbating the flooding issue.

Backfilling the Swamp Land: Filling in swampy areas disrupts the natural absorption of excess water during heavy rains, leading to an increased likelihood of flooding in surrounding regions.

Building in the Swamp: Constructing structures in swampy areas disrupts the delicate balance of the ecosystem, and these areas are more susceptible to flooding and damage during extreme weather events.

We strongly encourage residents to report any instances of these harmful activities to the EPA. Your cooperation in reporting such incidents is vital in our efforts to preserve the environment and protect communities from the adverse effects of flooding.

As part of our preparedness strategy, the EPA advises all residents to take the following precautionary measures:

Stay Informed: Stay updated with the latest weather forecasts, advisories, and emergency warnings to remain aware of the changing conditions.

Avoid Flood-Prone Areas: Refrain from walking or driving through flooded areas, especially during heavy rainfalls. Seek higher ground if you encounter rising water levels.

Secure Your Belongings: If you reside in flood-prone regions, take measures to secure your possessions and belongings to minimize damage.

Create a Preparedness Kit: Assemble an emergency kit containing essentials such as food, water, medical supplies, and important documents. Be ready to evacuate if necessary.

Maintain Open Communication: Keep lines of communication open with your family, neighbors, and local authorities to share important information and support each other during this time.

Heed Warnings: Take all warnings from local authorities and the EPA seriously. Promptly respond to evacuation orders to ensure your safety and that of your loved ones.

The EPA is working closely with other governmental agencies and stakeholders to mitigate the potential impact of flooding and provide necessary support to affected communities. We urge everyone to cooperate with emergency responders and follow their instructions during any rescue or relief operations.

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