Liberia: Job Creation Will Be Top Priority

- Cummings

The Standard Bearer of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), Mr. Alexander Cummings, says creation of decent paying jobs for thousands of unemployed Liberians will be given top priority upon his ascendancy as President of Liberia, come October 10.

"We will create decent paying jobs to halt the heavy reliance on government as the largest employer, by growing the private sector, which is critical to economic revival and sustainability," Cummings said.

He said a CPP Government will also increase and restructure the national budget, prioritizing critical needs, unlike the current structured budget by the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change, which only benefits few, including the President, Vice President and top senior officials of the National Legislature.

The CPP Standard Bearer gave the assurance when he addressed the nation on July 25th the eve of Liberia's 176th Independence Day celebration on July 26.

He said priority areas will include education and teachers training, health and agriculture, where it will serve the maximum interests of the vast majority of Liberians.

"All Liberians deserve to benefit and enjoy the wealth and resources of this country, not just a few senior public officials," noting that "equal access and rights will be paramount under a Cummings led government," he said.

The CPP Standard Bearer rejected claims that Liberians are not good at doing business. Reflecting on his past experience, he stated that small businesses and the spirit of entrepreneurship have seen unknown families grow out of poverty and develop into prominence.

He assured that a CPP Government will support Liberians in all lines of business, as part of the initiative to create a strong and vibrant private sector for job creation.

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