Liberia: Charlyne Wraps up Pre-'26 Tour of Bassaland

-Leaves Bassolians overjoyed

Collaborating Political Party (CPP) Vice Standard Bearer Cllr. Charlyne Brumskine continued her outreach and assessments of citizens' conditions over the weekend, this time in Bassaland just two months after she was named as running mate in the same county.

Cllr. Brumskine who began her toured just before the July 26 Independence Day Celebrations, visited four electoral districts in Grand Bassa County; District One (ED#1); District Three which is Buchanan District ED#3; District Four (ED#4); and District Five (ED#5).

During her tour of Electoral District One, the CPP Vice Standard Bearer visited the home of the late Representative Hans Barchue and identified with the bereaved family. Cllr. Brumskine presented a small purse of LD$35,000 and few bags of rice to the bereaved family.

In the Buchanan District, Cllr. Brumskine shared few bags of rice to some residents of the district. She also identified with the little children by buying them some July 26 clothes, shoes, slippers, and other items. Also, at her Buchanan office she provided US$250.00 USD, which is equivalent to LD$47,000, for the purchase of a bale of used clothes to be distributed among the children.

Cllr. Brumskine's pre-July 26 tour also included Wee Nation, Compound #3 to open the office of Cllr. Gbezohngar M. Findley, following which she and Cllr. Findley visited the Central Market where a donation of LD153,000 was made to the market women for their July 26 celebration.

Braving the deplorable road condition, the CPP Vice Standard Bearer then moved to Electoral District #5 and some larger towns in that district where she presented to some of the towns a few bags of rice, and some cash as her way of identifying with her Bassa citizens. As a member of her entourage, Hon. Thomas A. Goshua II also presented LD$100,000.00 to the citizens of ED#5.

Wrapping up her tour, Cllr. Brumskine returned to Montserrado County where she held a homecoming meeting with partisans of the Liberty Party and presented them a token of LD$135,000.

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