Liberia: Sen. Biney Dragged to Court for Rental Arrears

Maryland County — Maryland County Senator James P. Biney has been dragged to the Gedetarbo Magisterial Court in Pleebo Sodoken District in Maryland County for his alleged failure to pay US$4.5K rental arrears for a home office.

Biney, a hierarchy of the National Patriotic Patriotic Party (NPP) has broken alliances with the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC).

He has pulled his faction of the NPP toward the presidential bid of opposition leader Amb. Joseph Nyumah Boakai.

A man only identified as Mr. Siaffa complained Mr. Biney to the Magisterial Court accusing him of allegedly refusing to meet up with his financial needs since 2022.

Sen. Biney's office in Maryland County

Based on the complaint filed on 4 July, the court moved to prevail on Senator Biney to settle his outstanding debt or vacate the property with immediate effect.

In a letter dated 17 March 2023, Siaffa and his Gertrude Wallace said they were extremely constrained to serve Senator Biney a notice to vacate their house.

The house in question is situated in Pleebo Zone 2.

Biney was asked to vacate the property beginning March 17 to 17 May 2023 due to his alleged long delinquency in rent payments.

Siaffa accused Biney of making the house vulnerable to robbers without security, and for poor management of the facility.

"Please be reminded that the rent agreement between us expired on March 30, 2023. Be reminded also that you are in arrears with us in the amount of US$6,500," the communication alleged.

"Please take due note of this notice and govern yourself accordingly," the letter stated.

Siaffa noted that Senator Biney had earlier owed US$6,500.

Following a series of engagements, he said Biney paid US$2,000 out of the US$6,500 in July this year.

He maintained that Senator Biney has been occupying the building since the 2020 election.

He claimed that the senator has paid for Just 2020 and 2021.

But Maryland County Public Defender Atty. Adolphus Taylor, in a counterargument, noted that the Gedetarbo Magisterial Court lacks legal jurisdiction over the case.

The defense lawyer stated that the court cannot adjudicate or hear a case worth more than US$2,000 under the Civil Procedure Law of Liberia.

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