Gambia: Govt, EU Engagement for More Integration!


The Gambia is one of Africa's smallest nations, with a population of just under two million.

Despite its size, nationals from this small country have been ranked among the top five nationalities taking the Central Mediterranean route from Libya to Italy and West Africa to Canaries in Spain.

Among the factors forcing most youth to embark on this journey is high prevalent youth unemployment and lack of better prospects. This, among others, is forcing thousands of youth in search of better life in Europe.

'Back-way' as it is fondly referred to means irregular migration is a popular word used daily on the streets especially among the youth folks.

The mass exodus from The Gambia reached its all time high from 2014 onwards to 2017 shortly after the ouster of former dictator Yahya Jammeh.

However, the dangerous journey seems to be on the rise again in the past years and there is no end in sight.

Most Gambians who arrived in Lampedusa, Italy, end up moving upwards to either wealthier Nations like Germany or Austria and other countries. There, they believe they stand a better chance to unlock their potentials.

However, some end up in the streets with shattered dreams, while others got entangled with the laws of those countries.

Gambia's Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and Gambians Abroad Minister on Monday revealed that The Gambia has been engaging the European Union to considering the plight of its nationals that are currently within the EU Jurisdiction and have been law abiding to be considered for integration.

This, he said, is designed to ensure a "comprehensive and mutually beneficial partnership" on migration with the European Union and member states.

Irregular migration is a hot topic around the globe. Countries are balancing tactics and taking new approaches to curb its menace.

As governments work on plans to curb this growing phenomenon, organised and people smugglers are also at it round the clock employing new tactics to evade authorities. This makes irregular migration a growing business for organised criminals at the expense of states.

Therefore, it is our collective responsibility to always engage our youth on safe migration. Migration, even authorities would attest is not a bad idea but let it be done in safe regular channels.

It is true some families are enjoying thanks to the remittance sent home by their loved ones. But a significant number of people also died while trying to reach European shores.

Therefore, the government's move to negotiate with the Federal Republic of Germany is a good move. Germany, since the onset is keen on deporting Gambian nationals, especially those who have exhausted their legal right to stay in that country.

Allowing our nationals already in Germany and helping them reintegrate would help a great deal. This will even enable them to acquire useful skills to live a better life.

German authorities should also allow our citizens, especially those whose permits have expired by giving them time to regularize their statuses whilst in Germany.

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