Kenya: DP Gachagua Condemns Violence Against the Police During Anti-Govt Demos

President William Ruto with Azimio leader Raila Odinga at Nairobi's Nyayo Stadium (file photo).

Nairobi — Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua on Sunday criticised human rights groups and Opposition leaders for failing to condemn violent protesters who injured and maimed police officers during the chaotic demonstrations organised by Azimio la Umoja One Kenya.

Accusing the groups of discrimination, Mr Gachagua questioned why human rights activists and organisations were reluctant to call out protesters who engaged security officers with stones and other crude weapons.

One police officer lost his life while 305 others are nursing serious injuries following the violent protests almost two weeks ago.

"I want our leaders to know that police officers are also human beings, parents, spouses or a sibling to somebody. I have heard human rights bodies condemning police. Police officers were injured and others are in hospitals. Not a single leader from the Opposition or organisation has stood to say that it is wrong to attack or injure a police officer," said the Deputy President.

Speaking at Alliance High School after laying a foundation stone for a chapel and presiding over a fundsdrive for the institution's Centenary projects, Mr Gachagua assured the National Police Service of the Government's protection as they execute their mandate to protect lives and property.

"You are protected and no harm will come to you. The situation we saw last week cannot be allowed to go on. Hooligans and arsonists went to Mombasa Road, destroyed properties, stoning vehicles and extorting motorists, snatching earrings from women, that mayhem and chaos can not be allowed to continue because this country is a rule of law," he said.

The Deputy President said some protesters were armed with stones and other lethal weapons; they attacked the security officers, who had to respond.

Stating that the security of the country is not negotiable, the Deputy President said the government will not allow lawlessness under whatever circumstances.

Gachagua also said security officers withdrawn from Azimio allied leaders, who were taking part in destruction of lives and property will not be reinstated until the Opposition stops violence.

"The chaos and mayhem that was in Nairobi last Wednesday for five hours almost burning the country and bringing everything to a standstill had to be dealt with.

The Government has to withdraw officers (from those organising protests) to guard other Kenyans. The officers will only go back when the chaos stop," he said.

He said it is mandatory for the State to take measures to protect life and property.

"The President and I took Bible and swore before God and people to protect and defend the Constitution, lives and property. We welcome talks and non violent ways of resolving conflict but the police are on standby (to deal with anyone who disrupts peace). Never again in this country shall we allow people to kill others and destroy property," said Mr Gachagua.

The Deputy President also commended the police officers in dealing with the violent protesters.

"I want to commend the National Police Service under the leadership of Inspector-General Japheth Koome and strategic guidance of Cabinet Secretary for Interior Prof Kithure Kindiki for the professional manner in which they handled that ugly situation. The police officers never went to anybody's home but were provoked by protestors, who were armed with stones and rocks and wanted to harm them," said Mr Gachagua.

Cabinet Secretaries Ezekiel Machogu (Education) and Kipchumba Murkomen (Transport), governors Kimani Wamatangi (Kiambu) and Ochillo Ayacko (Migori), National Assembly Majority Leader Kimani Ichungw'a, senators Karungo Thang'wa (Kiambu) and William Wahome (Nyeri) and Kiambu Woman Representative Anne Muratha were present at the event.

Also present were MPs Mburu Kahangara (Lari), John Kiragu (Limuru), Peter Kihungi (Kangema), Jayne Kihara (Naivasha), Maisori Marwa (Kuria East), Duncan Mathenge (Nyeri Town), Simon King'ara (Ruiru), Julius Taitumu M'anaba (Igembe North), William Cheptumo (Baringo North), Njuguna Kawanjiku (Kiambaa), Alice Ng'ang'a (Thika Town), John Kaguchia (Mukurweini), Githua Wamucukuru (Kabete) and Maina Karobia (East Africa Legislative Assembly).

Others were Woman Representatives Njeri Maina (Kirinyaga), Florence Jematiah (Baringo), Rahab Mukami (Nyeri) and Jane Kagiri (Laikipia). - DPPs

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