Liberia: Weah Deserves a 2nd Term

Margibi — -Sen. Nuquay

Margibi County Senator James Emmanuel Nuquay, says President George Manneh Weah deserves a second term because he has kept the peace of Liberia for the last six years.

Liberians go to the polls in barely two months with nearly two dozen candidates in the race, including the incumbent.

According to him, Mr. Weah, who is seeking a second term in office, has also provided opportunities for young people and increased government revenue, among others so he should be elected for another six years term.

Sen. Nuquay made the statement in Margibi recently while rallying citizens to reelect the President.

The Senator notes that if the President had gone to neighboring countries to declare war with bullets flying in all parts of the country, he would not have been in a position to ask for another term because no one would have listened to him.

"If President Weah had served this country and he had gone to Ivory Coast to declare war; he had gone to Guinea to declare war; he had gone to Sierra Leone to declare war, and bullets were flying all here, you think he was going to be in the position to ask you for second term and you agree? He has kept the country peaceful, he has provided opportunities for the young people, he has raised the revenue, increase the revenue of our country and that's why he's asking for a second term mandate," he argues.

He says the President has served the country for nearly six years now and after evaluating Mr. Weah's work, he has joined many other voices in calling for the re-election of the ruling Coalition-led government.

Nuquay, who vehemently opposes the senatorial bid of sanctioned former minister Nathaniel McGill, a confidant of President Weah, urges Margibians not to elect McGill.

"President Weah has worked for six years; he's seeking a second term mandate. I'm quite sure he will get a second-term reward", he adds.

According to the former speaker of the House, every work a person does has a reward, therefore, every opportunity that one gets in life he or she must use it as a stepping stone for future opportunities.

He cites himself as an example, noting that he served the people of Margibi diligently in the House for 12 years so they rewarded him with the senatorial seat of the county during the 2020 special senatorial election.

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