Liberia: Ahead of 2023 Campaign Kickoff - Speaker Chambers Cautions Against Violence

House Speaker Dr. Bhofal Chambers has cautioned Liberians against acts of violence during the conduct of the pending presidential and legislative elections.

Speaker Chambers in a telephone interview on the House of Representatives legislative program on ELBC Thursday, admonished Liberians to be supportive of the peace process.

According to him, election is the articulation of ideas that should tolerate the views and aspirations of each other void of violence.

"In the coming days and weeks, our nation will be engaged in a crucial democratic process, where diverse ideas and visions will be presented. I urge all political parties and candidates to uphold the principles of respect, tolerance, and constructive dialogue. Let us focus on the issues that matter most to our people and engage in a spirited yet peaceful exchange of ideas. May we remember that our strength lies in our unity, and it is by working together that we can build a better future for all". Speaker Chambers said.

The Speaker called on every citizen to participate responsibly in the democratic process and let the spirit of peace guide them through the campaign season; stating that together, Liberians can forge a path towards progress and prosperity for their beloved nation-Liberia.

The latest call by Speaker Chambers comes ahead of the National Elections Commission official pronouncement of campaign activities on Saturday.

He then lauded President George Weah for championing the course of peace for which Liberians can emulate.

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