Liberia: Battle for Nimba - Whapoe Accuses Gongloe of Engaging in Divisive Politics

Presidential hopeful Dr. Jeremiah Z. Whapoe has accused renowned human rights lawyer Cllr. Tiawon Saye Gongloe of engaging in divisive politics to divide the people of Nimba County for person's gain.

Cllr. Gongloe is yet to respond to the allegations.

Nimba County is so far featuring two presidential candidates and one vice presidential candidate. They are Dr. Whapoe of the Vision for Liberia's Transformation (VOLT), Cllr. Gongloeof Liberia's People Party and Senator Jeremiah Koung of the former ruling Unity Party respectively.

Addressing a huge gathering in Nimba County recently, Dr. Whapoe noted that it's quite unfortunate that some sons of Nimba are engaging in divisive politics, especially when it comes to separating the county into lower and upper Nimba.

"There are some of us who believe in the school of thoughts which says "there is strength in unity" but there are some of our sons in this race who wants to become president (but) they want to divide Nimba County into Mano Nimba and Gio Nimba. That is completely wrong. In my administration, there is no Mano or Gio Nimba. There will be a united Nimba County and Liberia under my watch" Dr. Whapoe noted.

There are allegations emanating from the county that Cllr. Gongloe and his sister Eidith Gongolweh are the masterminds pushing for the division of what they describe as " Mano and Gio Nimba County.

He noted that when War Crimes court is established in Liberia, it's Nimba citizens who stood up and defended their county and people will be taken to court.

" I am not happy because war came to Liberia. I am not happy for that. There is a way that we can solve the problem in Liberia here instead of opening the wounds. I don't know about Nimba County but for me, this election is a defining moment. I am ready to become President and Nimba will produce me as that President " he concluded.

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