Liberia: 'Reckless And Irresponsible'

Cllr. Gongloe reacts to Dr. Whapoe divisive politics accusations

Presidential hopeful and renowned Human Rights lawyer Cllr. Tiawon Saye Gongloe has termed as completely irresponsible, reckless, and baseless accusations from his kingsman Dr. Jeremiah Z. Whapoe accusing him of preaching and engaging in divisive politics in Nimba County.

Addressing a major press conference over the weekend at his law office, Cllr. Gongloe clarified that at no point in time, he has ever called for the division of Nimba, saying that the accusations bear no iota of truth.

"When the front page headlines in the NewDawn Newspaper, August 4, 2023, which says Battle for Nimba but superficially says Dr. Jeremiah Z. Whapoe accused Cllr. Gongloe of preaching divisive politics.

In the story, he talks about I am dividing Nimba along the Mano and Gio lines. That statement is irresponsible, reckless, and bears no iota of truth" Cllr. Gongloe clarified.

Cllr. Gongloe, however, has vowed to decline to contest for the Liberian presidency if Dr. Whapoe and those that feel that he has engaged or preached divisive politics in Nimba can show any recording against him calling for the division of Nimba County.

The opposition politician pointed out that it's true that he has made several appearances in Nimba and spoke, but at no point in time at an honoring program in Zakapa, he ever told the people about dividing Nimba along tribal lines.

"When I spoke in Nimba County in Zakapa particularly where he claimed he was not in the area. More to that, the program was broadcast on several online platforms Therefore, if he can provide any recording that I said so, I will not contest the presidency. I will withdraw from the process as president " Cllr. Gongloe stated.

The Liberian People Party standard bearer disclosed that he has been a force behind National unity and reconciliation in Nimba County and Liberia at large.

He further indicated that he has written several news articles particularly the most recent in 2014 warning Nimba and Liberia at large pointing out the threat and consequences of preaching divisive politics and dividing the county and country at large beyond tribal lines.

" I have told Nimba people that if they have opportunity as a Gio man, he should look for Mano or Mandingo man to work with. That has been my message. I did that when I was Minister of Labour and I have continued. How can I in fact contest for the presidency if I am engaging in divisive politics when the first responsibility of me as President will be to unite and reconcile the people " Cllr. Gongloe narrated.

He mentioned that he has condemned several individuals and actions and led series of protests against those wanting Nimba to be divided between Mano and Gio line, on grounds that he stands with Nimba County and its unity and togetherness remain paramount to him.

Cllr. Gongloe asserted that he doesn't know why Dr. Whapoe who he considered his small brother, someone who he has worked with many years when he was in human rights advocacy and having group that he helped trained and develop will be speaking against him in such manner.

"This my small brother had a Human Rights group during the administration of President Charles Taylor, and I used to help present and advise him how to go about the advocacy. When I was about to contest, knowing that he has contested, I asked him for dinner at Cape Hotel for him to decline and support me since we are from the same place, but he refused," Cllr. Gongloe state.

But, unfortunately, Cllr. Gongloe explained that Dr. Whapoe declined to accept his request and later they were called by the elders of the county again at which point he again declined despite promising that if any of them gained more attraction, the other will decline and support the next.

"I have been in several states in America. So, when it comes to exposure and recognition, I am far from him. But that doesn't mean he should make a damning statement against me. I consider his statement a distraction. Let him bring recording and I will withdraw from the process" Cllr. Gongloe concluded.

However, speaking in a telephone conversation with Dr. Whapoe Saturday, he said that if Cllr. Gongloe is serious let him bring the recording where he spoke in Zakapa.

" I don't want he and myself to pull and haul things but if he knows that he didn't do so fine but I think it will be appropriate that he brings the recording from Zakapa where he spoke," he noted.

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